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(she/her) digital security for abortion access, designing Adversarial Fashion, building a research and community space in the PNW, horror weirdo, solarpunk.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Not comprehensive, but in 2023: Lilith Fund $1M Baltimore Abortion Fund $1M Cobalt Fund $1.25M Abortion Fund of Ohio $1.45M NY Abortion Access Fund $1.7M DC Abortion Fund $2M+ Chicago Abortion Fund $2.4M ...these numbers are all *before* Florida's devastating 6-week ban took effect.
Abortion Funds Are Spending Astronomical Amounts of Money to Help People Get Carewww.jezebel.com Since 2007, Jezebel has been the Internet's most treasured source for everything celebrities, sex, and politics...with teeth.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Bus operators reportedly refused to drive MTA buses commandeered by the NYPD to transport protesters arrested at Tuesday's Jewish Voice for Peace action—and at least one cop who ended up behind the wheel seemed to be learning on the go.
NYPD Officer Learns How to Drive MTA Bus—While Transporting Arrested Protesters - Hell Gatehellgatenyc.com "A lot of people were commenting like, oh God, I don't know if he's gonna make this turn."
Reposted byAvatar Kate
We are currently experiencing a period of collective mass hysteria I haven’t seen since the early 2000s where every lever of power in the so-called American liberal order are all laser focused on one single thing: the state of Israel must be allowed to massacre as many Palestinians as they wish.
A period of collective mass hysteriawww.welcometohellworld.com It’s madness. People have gone mad
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Some of these college kids are only protesting because they learned about an ongoing atrocity from their peers and were persuaded to join in. This is bad for some reason.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Sometimes the letters to the editor are very good.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
• 670+ arrests at protests against genocide nationwide so far • Demonstrations at 50+ campuses across 25+ states • We asked prosecutors in every jurisdiction with protests whether they will prosecute. • Their answers—and election year—are documented and mapped here: theappeal.org/we-asked-pro...
We Asked Prosecutors If They’ll Charge Pro-Palestinian Campus Protestorstheappeal.org The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
I'm sure thst unless you follow Jewish media you have seen absolutely nothing about this but today a group of Isreali and US Rabbis were arrested at the Gaza border for demonstrating while attempting to bring a shipment of food to Palestinians. They are part of the group Rabbis for Ceasefire.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Oklahoma State Rep. Mauree Turner on the outpouring of liberal support following the death of Nex Benedict
On my rampage to continue to shop for and acquire a vintage AWD Toyota to make into my bopping around town and solo car camping vehicle. After a false start with a Previa (I still want one wahhh) I may have a lead on a 1995 4Runner.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
I'm not exaggerating even a tiny bit! Here is the amicus brief Students for Life filed today asking the Supreme Court to revoke FDA approval of the abortion drug mifepristone because, they claim, the FDA didn't comply with the Endangered Species Act www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/23...
Look I feel for people on the dating apps, I really do. But I was on them for years before you. The same ones. And it’s why I can say that at the very least, your assignment for the time on them is to come to terms with whatever percent of the problem is you. It’s not zero.
One of the many joys of small town life: the tiny weekly karaoke night led by the only 6 theater nerds in town.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Latest: A federal judge has issued a preliminary injunction blocking Houston from enforcing an ordinance the city has used to crack down on Food Not Bombs and other activists for giving free food to the needy in public reason.com/2024/02/16/f...
Federal judge temporarily blocks enforcement of Houston ordinance against feeding the homelessreason.com The judge found that Food Not Bombs' activity was clearly expressive conduct under the First Amendment.
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Reposted byAvatar Kate
the leftist struggle can be most succinctly described as the effort to create, through a ruthless dialectical process, the perfect post, which will trigger an ice-9-esque chain reaction and remake the entire world into its final utopian shape overnight.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Y'all, I cannot emphasize this enough. You should not secretly surveil your kids. This includes putting a phone in the car, but it also includes putting a smart speaker in a 7-year-old's room and not telling them that you can see what they ask Alexa or Siri to do. slate.com/human-intere...
My Teen Discovered My Secret Surveillance Scheme and … He’s Not Happyslate.com How do I get him to see reason here?
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Delighted to wake up to the news that my Killer Shorts screenplay contest submission “Betrothed,” a period romance cosmic horror, has advanced to Quarter Finals! It’s been so exciting to take the risk to submit to a contest for the first time, thank you to the #KillerShorts team!
Me to my husband as I lay in bed dealing with another scary reversion in my spinal injury pain: “You’re gonna divorce me cus I have no spine again.” Husband, pulling out a block of cheese he had on him somewhere(??) and holding it out for me to take a bite: “No I’m not.” 😭😭😭
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Fellas will really say it's impossible to find a gal when the happiest couple you know looks like this
Reposted byAvatar Kate
There is a memorial tomorrow at Judson Church in New York
We are totally devastated by the death of Cecilia Gentili, whose brilliant memoir "Faltas" we were lucky enough to publish. Cecilia was a genius, but more importantly she was the absolute best. Here she is at her book launch, looking thrilled. She will be so deeply missed. 💔
Reposted byAvatar Kate
The Feast Of Bacchus, by Phillips de Koninck, 1654, 📸 by Kathryn Riley
Reposted byAvatar Kate
As promised, I am excited to share this call for exhibitors to participate in a Black zine fair on May 11 in NYC! All details and the application are available here: sojourners4justice.press/black-zine-fair - Please share far and wide with any Black zine makers who might be interested!
Starting my horror movie thread for 2024 with Under The Shadow, an unfortunately timely film about a mother and daughter dealing with the real life horror of the Iran-Iraq war. A bomb bursts through the ceiling of the family’s apartment, bringing an evil presence with it.
Reposted byAvatar Kate
Do your part to poison the thieving algorithms, visual artists. It's free, easy, and annoys techbros. No downside.
ATTENTION VISUAL ARTISTS: Chicago University's 'Nightshade 1.0' Learning Algorithm 'poison' filter is now live for public use: Unlike 'Glaze', which only makes your art irreplicable, Nightshade actively damages any learning database it gets added to. nightshade.cs.uchicago.edu/downloads.html
Few better plus size travel surprises than ending up on a plane that has one of these huge accessible bathrooms!
Reposted byAvatar Kate
paul giamatti is the most righteous dude alive
Reposted byAvatar Kate
I'm glad to read something about this bizarre organization, which hit a really swift and jarring pivot from bus-stop ads that went from "your bubbe loves you but would it kill you to call" to ones that read like "none will be spared lol."
Reposted byAvatar Kate
The decision also strikes down new regulations on washing machines for the same reason: States say their employees use ‘em on the job and want them to work faster. 5th Circuit says: That’s enough for standing!