Meg O'Connor

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Meg O'Connor

Reporter covering cops and prosecutors for, a worker-led newsroom. I also run our newsletter. Ex-Phoenix New Times, Miami New Times. In VICE. she/they 🏳️‍🌈
made my friend a cinnamon bun cake for her bday
Since Dobbs: —AL wants to prosecute people who give mutual aid for abortions —LA made abortion pills a controlled substance —13 TX municipalities banned transporting people on their roads to get abortions —6 states tried to make a new crime called 'abortion trafficking'
Abortion ‘Trafficking’ Laws, Travel Bans, Medication Crackdowns: How the GOP is Criminalizing Abortion Lawmakers targeted mutual aid, enacted travel bans, and created a new crime of "abortion trafficking" to criminalize abortion post-Dobbs.
BREAKING: DOJ finds Phoenix police wantonly violate people's civil rights, unreasonably escalate situations, delay medical aid to wounded people, arrest people of color at far higher rates than white people, retaliate against protesters, and hurt kids.
Phoenix Police Wantonly Use Violence and Violate Civil Rights, DOJ The U.S. Department of Justice announced results of its civil rights investigation into the Phoenix Police Department.
Kwaneta Harris writes about Mother's Day in prison: Prison has robbed my three children of 17 years of Mother’s Day. But this year, Mother’s Day gifts started arriving two months early. I’ve lived in solitary confinement for the last eight years...
Today we're lucky to publish three powerful pieces by women incarcerated in Texas. Marissa Potts writes about losing her child to her ex-husband's abuse. "While I was attempting to get us out, he hit my 3-year-old daughter Elena—an attack that eventually killed her.
‘Mother’s Day Will Never Be the Same.’ Mother’s Day will never be the same. Two years after Elena’s death, I try to understand why I was given a child just to lose her.
‘Mama’s Gonna Mama, No Matter Where They At’ Prison has robbed my three children of 17 years of Mother’s Day. But this year, Mother’s Day gifts started arriving two months early.
Lanae Tipton recounts giving birth while incarcerated—and the pain of being separated from her child after 72 hours. "After my cesarean section, I was too weak to properly move on my own, but the sheriff’s officers still insisted I wear leg shackles."
Today we're lucky to publish three powerful pieces by women incarcerated in Texas. Marissa Potts writes about losing her child to her ex-husband's abuse. "While I was attempting to get us out, he hit my 3-year-old daughter Elena—an attack that eventually killed her.
‘Mother’s Day Will Never Be the Same.’ Mother’s Day will never be the same. Two years after Elena’s death, I try to understand why I was given a child just to lose her.
‘I Refuse to Celebrate Mother’s Day Until We Are Together Again.’ I will first become eligible for parole when she is nine years old. I refuse to celebrate Mother’s Day until we are together again.
Today we're lucky to publish three powerful pieces by women incarcerated in Texas. Marissa Potts writes about losing her child to her ex-husband's abuse. "While I was attempting to get us out, he hit my 3-year-old daughter Elena—an attack that eventually killed her.
‘Mother’s Day Will Never Be the Same.’ Mother’s Day will never be the same. Two years after Elena’s death, I try to understand why I was given a child just to lose her.
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No definitive answers from the prosecuting attorneys for IU or Notre Dame students.
There have been 2,500 arrests at campuses nationwide now. 113 prosecutors across the country are responsible for charging protesters. We asked every one if they plan to prosecute or dismiss charges against protesters. Here are their answers:
We Tracked 2,500 Pro-Palestinian Campus Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 110 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.
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Check to see if your city's public attorneys are elected or appointed and remember this come election time. A lot of people don't pay attention to local elections, but they're so, so important. Your city commissioners matter, your school boards matter, and so do your city attorneys.
There have been 2,500 arrests at campuses nationwide now. 113 prosecutors across the country are responsible for charging protesters. We asked every one if they plan to prosecute or dismiss charges against protesters. Here are their answers:
We Tracked 2,500 Pro-Palestinian Campus Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 110 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.
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This is some pretty great journalism right here. Fascinating to see who explains things, who gives boilerplate, who refuses to respond, etc.
There have been 2,500 arrests at campuses nationwide now. 113 prosecutors across the country are responsible for charging protesters. We asked every one if they plan to prosecute or dismiss charges against protesters. Here are their answers:
We Tracked 2,500 Pro-Palestinian Campus Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 110 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.
There have been 2,500 arrests at campuses nationwide now. 113 prosecutors across the country are responsible for charging protesters. We asked every one if they plan to prosecute or dismiss charges against protesters. Here are their answers:
We Tracked 2,500 Pro-Palestinian Campus Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 110 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.
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Many protesters are facing serious charges, including battery on a law enforcement officer, committing “hate crimes” against law enforcement, and resisting an officer with force—the latter of which could land a person in prison for one to three years.
Latest overview of campus protests: • 2,200+ arrests • Arrests are in the jurisdiction of 110 prosecutors nationwide • 34 prosecutors told us how they'll handle criminal charges • 24 prosecutors are running for reelection or higher office
We Tracked 2,200 Pro-Palestinian Campus Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 80 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.
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“many forms of property crime can be seen as a natural byproduct of rapacious capitalism, much like pollution”
In the face of a manufactured "property crime panic," F.T. Green examines how corporations enable the very theft to which they're falling victim. But rather than take responsibility, they're pushing for state-funded responses to protect their interests.
How Corporations Enable Property Crime—And Use it to Fuel a Self-Serving Upon closer examination, many of the most widely covered property crime phenomena can be better understood as the predictable result of a callous corporate push for profits.
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This is honestly a connection I never made before myself, but now seems blisteringly obvious
In the face of a manufactured "property crime panic," F.T. Green examines how corporations enable the very theft to which they're falling victim. But rather than take responsibility, they're pushing for state-funded responses to protect their interests.
How Corporations Enable Property Crime—And Use it to Fuel a Self-Serving Upon closer examination, many of the most widely covered property crime phenomena can be better understood as the predictable result of a callous corporate push for profits.
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In the face of a manufactured "property crime panic," F.T. Green examines how corporations enable the very theft to which they're falling victim. But rather than take responsibility, they're pushing for state-funded responses to protect their interests.
How Corporations Enable Property Crime—And Use it to Fuel a Self-Serving Upon closer examination, many of the most widely covered property crime phenomena can be better understood as the predictable result of a callous corporate push for profits.
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JFC, this photo of a pro-Palestinian student protestor at the University of Mississippi with a jeering crowd of white boys in the background
Latest overview of campus protests: • 2,200+ arrests • Arrests are in the jurisdiction of 110 prosecutors nationwide • 34 prosecutors told us how they'll handle criminal charges • 24 prosecutors are running for reelection or higher office
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"The individual instructed the group to encircle the student journalists, she said, before they sprayed the four with mace or pepper spray, flashed lights in their faces and chanted Hamilton’s name."
Four UCLA student journalists attacked by pro-Israel counterprotesters on Four student journalists were attacked by Pro-Israel counterprotesters early Wednesday morning.
Police have now arrested 1,700+ protesters at campuses across the country. Prosecutors can drop these charges—or seek harsh criminal penalties that could ruin students' lives. We asked 80+ prosecutors what they plan to do—see their answers here:
We Tracked 1,700 Campus Pro-Palestine Arrests. Here’s How Prosecutors Are The Appeal asked more than 80 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protesters on college encampments.
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1,300! All so universities can maintain investments in an apartheid state.
Huge update to our campus arrests + prosecutions tracker—now at 1,300+ arrests. Charges include trespassing, assault on police, mob action, "hate crime on law enforcement," + more. We got responses from 22 prosecutors on how they'll handle the charges.
After More Than 1,300 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
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NYPD’s Straregic Response Group was designed to be a counterterrorism unit that was repurposed for protest policing. Most notably, SRG was responsible for the human rights violations that took place during the George Floyd protests. This is who’s attacking students at Columbia right now.
NYPD is breaking into Hamilton Hall simultaneously from the front doors and, using a lift, through the third floor on another side of the building (via WKCR, Bwog)
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Absolutely read this. Incredible work and diligence by
Approaching 1400 arrests now. Updated with arrest, charge, and prosecutor info at: -Uni of New Mexico in Albuquerque -Uni of North Carolina in Chapel Hill -Uni of Connecticut in Storrs -Virginia Commonwealth Uni in Richmond -Uni of Utah in Salt Lake City
After Nearly 1,400 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
Approaching 1400 arrests now. Updated with arrest, charge, and prosecutor info at: -Uni of New Mexico in Albuquerque -Uni of North Carolina in Chapel Hill -Uni of Connecticut in Storrs -Virginia Commonwealth Uni in Richmond -Uni of Utah in Salt Lake City
Huge update to our campus arrests + prosecutions tracker—now at 1,300+ arrests. Charges include trespassing, assault on police, mob action, "hate crime on law enforcement," + more. We got responses from 22 prosecutors on how they'll handle the charges.
After More Than 1,300 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
After Nearly 1,400 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
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i had genuinely forgotten that cops actually got some states to turn "it's a hate crime to be mean to me" into law
Huge update to our campus arrests + prosecutions tracker—now at 1,300+ arrests. Charges include trespassing, assault on police, mob action, "hate crime on law enforcement," + more. We got responses from 22 prosecutors on how they'll handle the charges.
After More Than 1,300 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
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"hate crime on law enforcement"
Huge update to our campus arrests + prosecutions tracker—now at 1,300+ arrests. Charges include trespassing, assault on police, mob action, "hate crime on law enforcement," + more. We got responses from 22 prosecutors on how they'll handle the charges.
After More Than 1,300 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
Our tracker includes searchable map of encampments along with the number of arrests, prosecuting agency, prosecutor statement, and next prosecutor election year. You can also hover over or click the dots for details. Also includes a written recap of arrests/charges/prosecutors + statements
Huge update to our campus arrests + prosecutions tracker—now at 1,300+ arrests. Charges include trespassing, assault on police, mob action, "hate crime on law enforcement," + more. We got responses from 22 prosecutors on how they'll handle the charges.
After More Than 1,300 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
Huge update to our campus arrests + prosecutions tracker—now at 1,300+ arrests. Charges include trespassing, assault on police, mob action, "hate crime on law enforcement," + more. We got responses from 22 prosecutors on how they'll handle the charges.
After More Than 1,300 Campus Arrests, How Will Prosecutors Handle Charges? The Appeal asked more than 50 prosecutors if they will file charges against pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel protestors on college encampments.
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After serving nearly 20 years on a drug charge, Samuel Anthony, who moved to the U.S. from Sierra Leone as a child, got out of prison and began rebuilding his life. One day, he checked into the ICE office and never returned. reports.
He Rebuilt His Life After Prison. Then He Was Deported for a 23-Year-Old Drug Samuel Anthony moved away from Sierra Leone at six years old. That didn’t stop his deportation for a 23-year-old drug charge.