Katharine Hayhoe

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Katharine Hayhoe


climate scientist and professor, Texas Tech
chief scientist, The Nature Conservancy
board member, Smithsonian NMNH
alum, UofT and UIUC
author, Saving Us

🧶📖❄️ are my favorite things
TX is where I live and 🇨🇦 is my home
Posts 100% my own
This is what's going on over on X. Friends don't let friends stay there. Tell them how good it is here! (or on Threads! or even on LinkedIn!)
This figure illustrates how record warm ocean temperatures fueled Hurricane Beryl, causing it to intensify faster, reach greater strength, maintain that strength for longer, and likely dump more rain than it would have otherwise. Source: www.bbc.com/news/article...
thanks! here's the message ... working in a browser (firefox)
I’ve been listening to Sarah for 30 years and her voice has only gotten more stunning over time. Gives me the absolute chills. Best way to spend the July 4 weekend 😁🇨🇦❤️
My brand new books arrived in this box, and within two seconds …
Box with two cats!
A new study finds that submitted papers by EU/North American authors are more likely to be: * accepted more quickly * published by the first journal they're submitted to * published by a different journal if it's rejected the first time doi.org/10.1038/d415...
This one from today exemplifies something I often see, and why I discourage arguing w/ dismissives on social media: it's the dehumanizing anonymity of the internet that allows people to say things like this. They never say this to my face, because then they'd have to acknowledge I'm a fellow human.
Since I had such a large sample (nearly a hundred), I analyzed X comments by category. 47% said climate wasn't changing, I was lying, ignorant, or not really a scientist 15% said I was in it for the $ 14% were insults Content warning: Please don't read the fine print if you're sensitive.
Fresh air and bleach remove much of the toxicity ... but I have a whole folder full for a psychologist to analyze one day. Sometimes I make videos of them. It's very cathartic! www.instagram.com/reel/C7PvR5O...
This is why I use Troop to plan any events that can’t be virtual. It identifies locations that minimize carbon AND visa hassles. I also recommend this @carbonbrief.org database to journalists & event-planners. www.carbonbrief.org/global-south... What do you do? More ideas please!
Burning coal is the most dirty, polluting, and inefficient way to get electricity. As early as 1306, Edward I banned Londoners from burning it, due to its noxious smog. So which countries are phasing it out the fastest now? Greece and the UK lead the way! Source: www.wri.org/insights/cou...
When people ask me “what’s the most important thing we can do,” I don’t give them my personal opinion. I tell them what the social science has determined is the answer. Here’s the list below. That’s the difference between what I say, and what most of the scientists surveyed by the guardian say.
Normalized responses -- the total number of likes and shares, divided by number of followers -- were highest here (yay!) and lowest on X.
There was an even bigger difference in the comments received. All on Threads and all but one here were positive, constructive, or neutral (one person was just being a jerk, not a troll). Only 18% on X were positive or neutral. The rest were negative, many highly so.
Since I had such a large sample (nearly a hundred), I analyzed X comments by category. 47% said climate wasn't changing, I was lying, ignorant, or not really a scientist 15% said I was in it for the $ 14% were insults Content warning: Please don't read the fine print if you're sensitive.
I already invite people on X to join us here weekly. But thanks to this analysis, I've decided to re-create my "scientists who do climate" list here this summer, and manually invite each of the 3,000 members on X to join us. If you're still on X, pls consider inviting your followers to join us too!
No matter where we live or who we are, climate change affects us all. And, as I often say, that means ….
“This map illustrates the intricately connected relationship First Nations have w their land. Canada’s home to all fortunate enough to live here + if we have the courage to listen to our national anthem w a slightly altered perspective we may learn where our land came from.” - J Adomeit #canadaday
Don’t despair; our society *has* changed before. And when it did, there is one common factor that played a critical role: people raising their voices for change. So when people ask me, what can I do about climate change? I don’t tell them to change a lightbulb. Instead, I say this:
Nothing to see here. Move along. #caturday
Sometimes it feels like nothing is changing: as if we’re climbing the tallest mountain in the world, and the summit is no closer than when we started. But if we stop for a minute and turn around and look back, we can see how far we’ve actually come. Progress is happening, step by step.
Here's the good news, though. When we cut our carbon emissions through efficiency, electrification, and clean energy, we also cut air pollution! Yet another example of why climate solutions are absolutely essential for our health today and our future tomorrow.
Texas already gets more billion dollar weather and climate disasters than any other state – and as change change supersizes them, that means it’s the most vulnerable state to weather extremes!
Yes! milky way with mine. wild.
As academics, I feel @ncrenic.bsky.social speaks for all of us 😂
OK, so this is wild. I saw this on social media and I gave it a try and IT WORKS. If you make bunny ears with your hands, your cat will not bite you. He could be in the middle of a biting spree, and this will stop him in his tracks.
HOWEVER, he was so frustrated that he then turned on the nearest book, ripped about five chunks off the back cover, and then went for my knitting basket. All that pent-up aggression had to go somewhere ?!
I’m doing my best to close that gap. Still too few do, though. Percent of adults who believe climate change will affect them personally. Source: climatecommunication.yale.edu/visualizatio...