
Anyway, my aunt who is the most Midwestern friendly, kind, not ever wanting to rock the boat-type, so I have heard her talk about politics maybe five times in my life. I didn’t know she was a Democrat until maybe a few years ago This woman was ON FIRE yesterday. Couldn’t stop talking about SCOTUS
my aunt: “I like Gavin Newman if they are going to run anybody 2028” aunts friend: “I like that Newman too”
I feel good about normally apolitical type people realizing this shit is scary as hell
SCOTUS is stuff I've heard about from clued in but not terminally online sickos too. Once again it seems that political news media is missing something real because theyre more focused on continuing their navel gazing feeding frenzy
It’s really because this woman is the matriarch of our family, a total peacemaker. And she was just spitting fire. The woman has uterine cancer and is in chemo, and she has expressed zero fear about that. SCOTUS and Trump? I saw fear in her
Monday in particular I think shook a lot of ppl badly once it sunk in exactly what that decision entailed
I’ve seen a bunch Biden signs too here, just not on the boats at the harbor Racine is weird because it’s both extremely Trumpy white trash, normals, and it’s also very black (Biden signs). I think it’s slightly bigger than Kenosha.
Kenosha’s bigger than Racine but Racine County is bigger than Kenosha County
It’s shaken me more than anything since J6. It is bad bad bad & Trump will be testing to see if there is *any* limit left beginning day 1.
To be more precise: shaken me more than anything since I realized J6 wasn’t going to break the fever & Trump wasn’t going to be rejected
Yeah that’s how we feel.
Yeah, like if everyone would stop passing around the chattering class's vomit-bucket and looked at people are saying on the street, they'd see that a lot of previously mild-mannered people are now calling for Roberts and Alito's heads on pikes.
Then again, people on here won't because this is an extremely white and male site and most of the people talking aren't one, the other, or both.