
America did a lot of terrible stuff to Dr. King, like jailing and abusing him and trying to get him to kill himself and killing him, but probably nothing so obscene as reinventing him in popular memory as some milquetoast whose primary concern was not hurting white people’s feelings.
[In this Dr. King resembles Jesus, who was deeply radical but who has been reinvented in popular imagination as a sort of safe youth pastor who really believes in love but you could totally see leaving for an internship at Deloitte.]
The John Wayneification of Jesus is outstanding, to the point that pastors are literally reporting being called out for using "woke" language such as "love your enemies" or "turn the other cheek".
Give me hippie dippie pussy jesus any day.
It's rare, but I appreciate authors like who can show the brazen guts it takes to turn the other cheek under dire threat
Violence is easy. That's why it's the default human reaction. To face certain violence and death and respond not with violence but with calm, knowing it may cost you everything but build a better future you may never see, that is courage.
Few things make me question the popular imagination's reading comprehension as much as those Jesus-wirh-a-machine-gun pictures
Have you read the Revelation? The Kingdom of God doesn't exactly get established peacefully.
Tbh, the violence prophesied in the Revelation would be way more interesting than just a guy with a machine gun
I had to correct someone in my small group the other day when they were identifying with the “whip and flip” Jesus, and I had to let them know that Jesus reserved those actions for religious leaders who were oppressing others. For those of us who realize we’re screwups he’s always much more gentle.
I have always found Dogma hilarious. I'm still not sure if it's satiric, prophetic, or both, but the way it manages to lampoon the franchisement of the Church while still conveying hope and a forward looking message has always stuck with me. It's a shame it's stuck in bootleg purgatory.
Also the casting was amazing and the delivery on point. Alan Rickman was a 11/10 Archangel and Alanis Morissette sold the non-conventional viewpoint. Best Kevin Smith movie hands down, fight me.
One of the best Alan Rickman's roles too.
Whenever I think of Alan Rickman, it not Snape I see, but the Metatron. The snarky but urgent delivery was part of what sold the first act.
My second-favorite is his guest spot on King of the Hill.
Between that and Bill and Ted, George Carlin had some of my favorite film roles. G-d I miss him.
Dr. King's final sermon - The Drum Major Instinct - hits this on the head. "He was only 33 when the tide of public opinion turned against him. They called him a rabble-rouser. They called him a troublemaker. They said he was an agitator. He practiced civil disobedience; he broke injunctions."
This year we have people like Charlie Kirk and Jack Posobiec saying that MLK was a bad person and that the Civil Rights Act was a mistake. On one level I kind of appreciate that they’re at least being honest about what they really think.
Jesus Table-Flipping Christ
Same thing is happening to Lincoln:
Wild that the Lost Cause weirdos that perceive Lincoln as a cruel mastermind to the south's demise who didn't care about the lives of the Southern Gentry, somehow manage to have a less offensive reimagining of Lincoln than that f**king billboard.
Should read "Civil War is in you … pass it on"
"Inside you there are two wolves, one blue with a large industrial economy, and one gray that keeps human beings as property..."
The PassItOn billboards are funded by Republican billionaire Phil Anschutz
... We need more historical literacy. The context of the quote is why the quote is important. Lincoln was quoting the Bible from a section where the Pharisees were trying to question Jesus' legitimacy as an allegory to his times.
"A house divided against itself, cannot stand. I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the Union to be dissolved – I do not expect the house to fall – but I do expect it will cease to be divided. It will become all one thing or all the other.”
People kill their prophets, then make monuments to them to obscure what they said. It’s a well worn pattern, at this point.
I dread the day when "From each according to his ability, to each according his needs" is just dating advice.
This is why I will tell anyone who asks that idol worship is the rot at the heart of American culture.
Letter from Birmingham County Jail was famously an apology to white moderates for the protests breaking the law in the Jim Crow south.
I saw this out of context and then got irrationally mad before I realized it was sarcasm
MLK regularly said stuff like "I think socialism is great!"
Their new one is proclaiming MLK was a reactionary who opposed diversity
Me, every time someone quotes "I have a dream" out of context: NO, read THIS one
Letter from a Birmingham Jail [King, Jr.]
Frankly, I think he'd be laughing at how thoroughly his enemies have to pretend to admire him now.
His entire thing was "I don't care HOW the whites feel, we deserve rights and will use every peaceful method we can to ensure we become equal!"
Even the dead will not be safe from the enemy if he is victorious
White Jesus and White MLK drinking American beer together while draped in a flag.
they did the same to Helen Keller. They teach that she was a real model of what a disabled person should be- she overcame her disability by her own grit then was a silent inspiration once did 🙄