
I have read entire books on the subject, and endless commentary and explainers, including whatever it is you’re about to tell me, and I still can’t understand how “an unlimited right to personal weaponry” became a cherished value of the American conservative movement.
SCOTUS strikes down the bump-stock ban 6–3, usual lineup, in the last opinion of the day. Thomas writes.
Culture bundling. It’s not the guns per se; it’s the cultural bundles that come with the guns and with gun control.
About a decade ago, I suggested to Ken twe write a joint column about the coming intersection of 1st & 2nd Amendments. Specifically, how does post-Heller Second Amendment handle people who want mass armed rallies? Ken wisely suggested that we not do so, because it would have just angered everyone.
It’s a short article. Ok for white people not for brown people.
Write it under pseudonyms and publish it in Reason. Then the two of you can sit back with 🍿 and enjoy the 🎆.
I would really want to read that article! It's a question I've been pondering for some time.
I've been looking for a word to describe this phenomenon! Culture bundling: when you paint a Confederate flag on your Cybertruck
I shoot pistol competitively. I cannot TELL you how many times people assume because I have a few pistols that I am also a trumper/evangelical/whatever else they tied to that.
American being strictly "two teams" about anything politicsy is infuriating. I wish more people learned this lesson after 2016, but it seems super ingrained. Only thing owning legal guns implies to me is that you're not a criminal. (and that you like long-range hole-punches :) )
Well, I hadn’t read that one. Thank you.
I hadn't either. So, thank you, as well.
Using the tactics of one of the only groups with even less morals: cable companies
it's all part and parcel of the culture of death; a reflexive, fear-based, deep worship of the power to kill.
Tell me you didn’t read Ken’s piece without telling me
I read it. I think many of his statements and arguments are true AND I happen to disagree with much of it. I disagree precisely because the radical changes in 2cd amendment law were fought for, over decades, people that, deep inside, hold death as all-powerful. That extends into other laws as well.
It is a "cultural bundle." Fighting an enemy you don't understand is very difficult.
When you refer to half the population as “enemy” who “deep inside, hold death as all-powerful” you’re as much of the problem as they are. Just saying
'Half' is doing a lot of work here.
When are the young who had to go through the shooter's drill going to vote ? And how do they position on this matter?
When they hit middle age usually of which the first should be hitting about now into the next 20ish years.
Surprised I hadn't read this already. Thanks for the reminder of why I love legaltwitter, this kind of specificity is the tits.
Taleb called it "thought clustering."