
In normal times, the Supreme Court would've smacked down claims of presidential immunity almost immediately, but we're not in normal times, and there's a reason why the conservative majority of Federalist Society bagmen waited until the last possible moment to provide this insane ruling.
Don't even need hypotheticals. For Nixon and Clinton they were confronted with POTUS saying "but I'm POTUS and I don't wanna" and the Court said a polite variant of "sit the fuck down, Mr President, you are not a King". But if you want to overthrow the Republic? "Why, yes, your majesty, go for it"
I guess the Constitution is a suicide pact after all.
Excellent skeet. And I can still hear David Cannadine in my left ear saying, "George the Third was mad, bad, sad, and intransigent" thirty-five years ago in the lecture hall.
At this point, anyone who claims Barrett is different or more "interesting" than Thomas or Alito is just willingly slopping up PR.
So if I understand the arguments and timing to date-- they wanted to announce late in season, and based on their arguments of total presidential immunity, so that Biden ordering seal team 6 to assassinate Trump would be fully supported by SCOTUS-- Did I follow these trials correctly?
IIUC, Biden could have Seal Team 6 assassinate Supreme Court justices and the SC would be ok with that.
And choices-- Risk an election that trump & many gop have said they will not honor if they lose, or Take the power scotus just gave you and use it first?
TBH, seriously though - I think they've revealed something. They don't think a Dem POTUS would actually abuse this and think it will protect their guy. But, if he loses, they've protected every future Dem POTUS from prosecution, it seems. Short sighted in that sense.
I’m sure the conservative majority on the court could weasel their way around their own ruling to allow the prosecution of a Dem POTUS.
Alito/Thomas won't live forever. If a sane person gets to make the replacement nominations, the majority on SCOTUS should (eventually) look very different. I'm just not sure we have that much timeline left before everything collapses.
This throws a bucket of ice water on Gym Jordan's fraudulent little "weaponization of government" scheme; not that it will make a difference to him or folks like him (like Johnson). They think it only applies to their guy.
That bit in the constitution about how presidents can still be tried in criminal courts - did I dream that?
Do you think they'd actually give the current POTUS that immunity if they believed their own bullshit?
One could argue the President's oath of office would require it, and after Trump it's the corrupt federalist society members of the court to be taken out.
The fact that Alito & Thomas refused to recuse from this decision was a clear sign that the “Federalist Society” bagmen were running the show.
Still 4-3 even if Alito and Thomas had recused
Exactly, they could have done performative ethics w/o endangering their desired outcome. They gave America the finger instead.
Unless Biden does something drastic that also would've been deemed illegal fast and decisively, the US has ceased the rule of law.
I don't doubt that they knew this would be unpopular outside of conservative circles, but what do they really gain by waiting till the last day, besides delaying headlines a couple months?
Yeah but they're in lifetime positions. It's nice for them to get away, but for the soulless members of the court, they don't much care about criticism.
Effectively, I believe you're correct, but Alito at least is notoriously thin-skinned. It's not enough for him to gleefully dismantle the rule of law, he also wants to be loved for it.
That's fair - he is a huge prick and that definitely fits
I do suppose it also did delay the trial further but, considering the decision here, I'm not sure the timing makes much of a difference in that sense
As long as Biden has the support of 34 senators he legally can take Trump out of the race for good if he wishes. Dark Brandon vibes
Which is disturbing. There is a sort of logic behind it, but I doubt they'd find 34 senators to sign off on it, and most of the Dem voting base would probably never vote for them again. Unless there's 34 *Republican* senators who want to uh, clean up their party. (Still disturbing.)
Why not just arrest him and charge him with treason *now,* as a civilian, based on his public campaign plans and promises. The political namby pamby is ridiculous @.@
he can just take out the senators that don’t support him
If the court truly believes this ruling, then maybe Biden should send seal team 6 to the houses of the conservative justices to make a point
Today would be a great day for Mitch McConnell to keel over in a fit of joy unto apoplexy. At least give us something.
They can run, but they can't hide... forever.
Could one argue that a president is acting in official duties of protesting and defending the constitution by ordering a drone strike on Trump?
Some day several decades from now maybe someone will find out the day Thomas filed his 9 page concurrence.
Missing the Burger court immensely right about now. Hell, since it collapsed...
How are you preparing for a trump monarchy? Me, I will be getting my investments out of the country.
May they find the tree of liberty.
The British cut it down. The Sons of Liberty continued to meet there; speaker stood on the stump. It's where the saying come from to this day.
And logic will be “gotta be behind Biden”. Emperor has no clothes - need an alternate. Otherwise, I’m staying home, giving up.
Thank you for not blocking me when I asked if you'd really get off substack. I appreciate being able to repost your skeets.