
Biden’s appearance should help dispel some concerns about his age, but he needed a stronger message and a concrete call for court reforms
Very milquetoast speech that hits the Dem high notes of “hey, I disagree that the other political party ruled they can now round us up and kill us like ‘The Purge,’ but guess all we can do is vote.”
Lots of talk but no call to action. Whats else is new?
I think the first part. They needed an excuse to put him before cameras and took it
I guess so, he definitely seemed solid and focused
If they do that a lot, it’ll help with the old stuff, but I’d like to hear a full plan to attack the Court.
(But if that’s still coming, two bites at that apple are even better)
I agree. But he also personalized the problems in ways he's avoided before by never saying "Donald Trump" and instead things like "my predecessor."
I’m just so tired of being told to vote in order to preserve democracy. Like that’s the answer?There have been institutions in place for over 2 centuries that are supposed to do that job, but one side is tearing them down one by one…so I’m just supposed to vote?
Yes. That's exactly the answer. That's how democracy works. It doesn't work if people don't vote, which is, in good part, how we got here.
Pretty fucking rich of politicians who hold the power to make voting rights universal, demolish the electoral college, use the power of Congress and the institutions to hold the corrupt accountable to be like “sorry, guy who has the power of one vote, it’s up to you bud…”
Nobody's telling you to *just* vote. It's the bare minimum but if you want to do more you can. And should.
Not that I disagree with the larger point that "it's up to the voters" isn't enough - you're right there are institutions who are failing at their jobs when they rely on that. Not sure this was that tho - seems more like "the institutions have failed to hold Trump accountable, only the vote remains"
Which I think might be factually true? Even if they did the court expansion & impeachments necessary to correct SCOTUS I'm not sure it would impact the fact all of Trump's trials now extend past November. Impeaching Cannon maybe?
Of course none of that takes away Biden's contribution to the institutions failing to hold Trump accountable in the first place, from Merrick Garland's appointment to who knows what could have gone differently in Congress, and maybe that was your point to start with.
Toothless. I'm disappointed in his response - SC reform needs to be a high priority so that institutions, not personality, define the limits of the presidency.
that was way too fast. a little more about how to dissent would have been helpful
It was a huge missed opportunity IMO. The ending was all about "the people need to decide if they want Trump unshackled", which is big but the reality is even broader: people need to decide if they want to live in a society where they have a voice and the possibility of justice, or not.
Exactly right. This isn't just about Trump, but about the entire Republic collapsing under the power of SCOTUS and the presidency. It will only get exponentially worse over time as federal agencies degrade and unaccountable presidential power becomes the solution to every crisis.
Despite today’s ruling I bet Alito, Thomas, Roberts et al would uphold a conviction of Biden for a Hatch Act violation for giving a campaign speech at the White House tonight.
Seems to me Biden’s first response tends to be deference to norms (see 2021, Senate) and same here - he assails the decision not the process. This campaign can’t bunt single its way to victory.
This was a declaration of war, not the battle plan.
Say what actually happened: he capitulated to the far right and punted to voters (who no longer trust him).
He better be back tomorrow making it clear that he 1. Supports AOCs push to impeach multiple GOP justices, 2. Has changed his mind on court unpacking and reforms. Dems need to take action now while they still can
I'm a news junkie and I missed it. I can't believe it will be seen by people who aren't looking for it.
One could make an argument that the first step is laying out the stakes to the vanishingly small number of people who will end up deciding the election. Yes, I would also have liked to hear a concrete plan, but I'm also not the intended audience
"In the next few days I will be announcing how I will use these new powers granted to me by the Supreme Court to reform the Supreme Court and to make sure my predecessor is finally held accountable. No spoilers but it rhymes with explordinary rembition."
I'm really hoping they're going to roll out some kind of comprehensive platform tomorrow - court packing, constitutional amendment, cancel student load debt, make the US a colony of Australia, whatever!
At least it wasn't a Checkers speech. So we got that going for us, which is nice.
i was sooooo hoping he would announce his intention to pack the court as a response. but no.
Why should it dispel age concerns? Nothing can erase that debate or the profound fear that it catalyzed in me. I remain unsoothed.
Whoever is advising him needs to be FIRED… FAST! The gloves need to be off and Joe needs to lean in on abortion, Supreme Court corruption, and The Fraudulent Orange Criminal Rapist Moron and Convicted Felon’s lifelong record of fraud and crime. And he needs to lean in HARD.
No need to get bogged down in policy issues. He just needs to add: "I'm running for President, not king. If you want a king, vote for the convicted felon."