the entity formerly known as landsnark...

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the entity formerly known as landsnark...

If the shooting was “not related to the RNC,” why would cops from Columbus, Ohio be involved in the first place? Also, pretty on the nose for cops from a red state to come to a blue city and kill a homeless black guy on the second night of the RNC.
Milwaukee man dead after being shot by 5 Ohio police officers near The man killed by Ohio officers near the RNC on Tuesday was well-known in the neighborhood, several witnesses told the Journal Sentinel.
"The Illinois State Police investigation into the July 6 shooting death of Sonya Massey at the hands of Sangamon County sheriff’s deputies is complete."
Probe into shooting of Sonya Massey Massey family to meet July 17 with prosecutor, ISP officials on status of case
IF ONLY there were a machine that would scan people for weapons at events...
Trump is 100% now imagining getting shot at every time he gets in front of a crowd, for the rest of his life.
- poor john. why doesnt antone ever say poor john? if i were on fire, no one would piss on me.... - lets strike a flint and see
So many great lines.
I wouldn't make that inference; I suspect the reason they chose Northwestern is bc the cofounder of Fed Soc is at Northwestern
i used to be able to recite this movie line by line.
Finally watched The Lion In Winter and realized I should’ve seen it ten times by now. Great actors being funny and cruel to each other, in a medieval setting no less? That’s the sauce.
God the Republicans are always breaking promises and dashing hopes. First the taco trucks on every corner and now this.
9 days before the assassination attempt, Lee Greenwood (who partners with Trump on a $60 Bible) told a 4th of July crowd undocumented immigrants are coming to kill them.
Groups call out Lee Greenwood's 'hateful speech' at Albany 4th of July He said: "The only thing we hope for is that we can stop illegal immigration. Because the people who are coming through are coming through to kill you."
If you're wondering why Bluesky uses "AI" as part of its content moderation, this thread is a useful one.
Image classifiers detect the worst content that needs to be gone (and humans then review the content given the labels in the most severe categories to see the context it was posted in and whether it needs to be removed entirely). But they also can't tell context.
I need help getting the word out... My friend Jes created a TikTok post about this and if you're on there, please consider sharing:
Northwestern's law school faculty is nearly 80 percent white and over 80 percent male Naturally the law school is being sued by some jabronis who think white guys aren't getting a fair shake in faculty hiring I wrote about it!
Affirmative Action Opponents Are Saying the Racist Part Out Loud A challenge to faculty hiring practices at Northwestern’s law school translates from legalese to “There are Black people on this faculty, Your Honor.”
Why does Cruz's facial expression always look like he just stepped in dog shit
Farmers are getting infected with bird flu because they are working in 104 degree heat without masks and other PPE. The is why labor justice must be a key part of the solution for both climate change and pandemics.
I love the phrase “climate alarmism,” like you’re just supposed to stay calm when the Miami waters rise too high for you to drive in again.
My favorite is the plan to downsize NOAA's Oceanic and Atmospheric Research because they do theoretical science instead of applied science and are "the source of much of NOAA’s climate alarmism." p 676. I guess the good news is, the longer it goes on, the more "applied" the climate crisis becomes.
Here you go!
Picturing Vance standing next to Trump wearing a T-shirt that says "I'm With Him-ler"
The Vance 2024 branding is bold, yet familiar.
Introducing #PublicHumanities, our new #openaccess journal that intersects #humanities scholarship and public life, with Editors-in-Chief and Jeffrey R Wilson. Learn more:
gotta love how contemporary publishing is 30000000 beautiful, deeply felt, finely crafted books with 7.5 readers each whose authors are just barely making a living, and like 4 books that financially support the whole apparatus, each of which has comprehensively and unforgivably destroyed society
Musing on Vance as the VP choice for Trump, and on his drastically shifted rhetoric over the past eight years… which reaffirms an observation that perhaps the most impactful dynamic of the last decade isn’t the top-down radicalization of the electorate, but the bottom-up radicalization of “elites”.
Landlords crying in their internal newsletter that new construction is pushing down the rents they can charge. We have the power to make them cry so much more
whoever invented gravity was his nemesis.
Whoever invented titties was a genius.
A few weeks ago, I spoke on a panel about publishing at the CSWEP’s CeMENT workshop. I wanted to briefly share some of that advice here.
Fascinating. "...the government affirms that climate change is real, that it’s destroying God’s work and that those in the world who reject the truth of climate change need to get on board. The Taliban has asked emphasize during Friday prayers the need for environmental protection.
Taliban tries reconciling science and religion in facing climate Afghanistan’s rulers, cut off from foreign assistance, are tackling climate change on their own while debating whether it is God’s doing or a foreign plot.
yes brandon yes dude
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I think the manager of the worst AL and NL teams at the break should coach the All-Star teams so we can figure out if they are the problem
My PhD thesis is bound, online & I am now officially a Dr!✨ "Assembling a Record of the Australian Internet" explores how a nation's library collections are imagined & enacted in a globally networked & digital information environment 📡💫🌏 To read: