
it’s wild the same brain geniuses have no trouble understanding many trump voters say well yeah he’s a cat food brained rapist and felon and I’d prefer mitt romney but I’m voting for him anyway
I have never seen a better example of the bored punditry pretending two ideas cannot exist in people’s heads at the same time than “biden is too old to run” and “I don’t care that biden is too old to run if that’s all you’re gonna offer me”
It was the entire basis for the “but the judges” faction to get in line
"cat food brained" is Frank Reynolds and Charlie Kelly slander and i won't stand for it.
Both political media and individual pundits find it lucrative and personally satisfying to pretend that elections are determined entirely by a 24-hour cycle of new plot twists and wild swings which you simply MUST follow via their product, shockingly.
It's like the the "NO BALL, ONLY THROW" meme. You can't demand a new candidate and then get mad when people ask you who.
Was there ever a batman arc where the joker won the mayorship of Gotham city?
They literally did that in the Harley Quinn animated series.
Just spitballing here...but I think the reason these publications and pundits aren't equally attacking Trump is because they're fearful of his followers and the possibility they'd come after them. For all the [redacted] suggestions towards certain people in robes, maybe [redacted] towards suits too
From my red state—my votes literally don't matter besides the primary (I voted) and down ballot (I will vote); almost everything feels like an expansion of Trump era policy. The main diff is dems are no longer vigilant against fascism, and they frequently are collaborating to sell out trans ppl etc.
Considering the anti-homeless ruling, canvassing for Biden while he runs crazy interference for Israel's genocide is not a priority when I could spend that time locally with orgs who are primed to continue protecting the homeless through civil disobedience. Dems had 4 years. People can't wait.
I'm deeply sympathetic to what you're saying but I have little confidence Trump won't be handed the office by the courts. Or even if Biden wins I'm expecting whatever Jan 6 was a dress rehearsal for to happen.