Florida Mom

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Florida Mom


Mom, teacher, reader.
The "parenting in a tech world" Facebook group is too anti-tech for me in general, BUT it offers a lot of good practical advice about apps and programs. That may be worth checking out.
Verizon has an app - I assume all the providers do. Also, Bark is good, I hear but it was TERRIBLE for iPhone unless your kid is very compliant (has to be plugged in to computer daily).
I call my children by each other's names and then "oh, whatever your name is!" Multiple times every single day. I'm 43. I NAMED them.
33 years ago, I (a 10 year old girl) was diagnosed with ADHD and I already knew what it was because other kids had it.
And my cell data still isn't great, so I guess I didn't get the 5G implant.
I don't know that two corrupt parties will help the country.
I'm confident there are some CEOs who definitely feel this way too.
The laws haven't changed. The enforcement of laws has changed. Saying a president has immunity doesn't say that laws don't exist. Whether he can be charged/convicted, we know Trump broke the law. I don't WANT a president who won't follow the law.
Is it pathetic to follow the laws, even if you don't have to?
Plus unless the plan is actually a national split, giving up on Red states is just not smart. Some days Florida feels hopeless, but it won't get *better* if everyone on the left leaves.
I think Alito's neighbors would be ok with the Jumbotrons without having to eminent domain/bulldoze
It didn't feel destroyed when you posted this. Watching debate follow up, I'm a little concerned it might be.
My dad changed parties in the early 1990s to Republican (we're Jacksonville) because primaries started to be more red, and my family had a party to celebrate. Meanwhile, I live in St Augustine and I'm about to change to R 😭 so that I can have a say in county government primaries. Sigh.
Ok, yep! Sorry, I posted my comment on this while you sent this. That makes so much sense to me.
But this was just a known fact - I wonder if this is more known to Southerners? OR if it is only known to those of us who grew up with super proudly "confederate" families 😂
My southern dad and grandfather EXPLAINED TO ME as a child that they were still registered as Democrats because Democrats "used to be the conservatives, but now they aren't, but we didn't change because of primaries." They didn't explain the southern strategy specifically, but the party swap
Now, of course, my dad is unlikely to admit that, preferring to just claim Democrats are evil. 🤷🏽‍♀️
It's because you spend too much of the budget on pronouns, obviously.
I got ice cream at the Iowa State Creamery and it left an oily film in my mouth that I had to scrape off. It was terribly disappointing.
This is actually hilarious. How did this conversation even happen? 😂 Oh to be a fly on the wall (says every interested person in America).
Ok. I missed the joke. In my defense...everything seems unbelievable. 🤷🏽‍♀️
I totally missed the joke. But I mean...nothing seems to shocking for this crowd.
All of it: pandemic supply chain issues, increase in prescriptions (~14%), & DEA quotas. It's a new issue (since 2022?) & is exhausting. I was on vyvanse for a decade and it worked great. It was impossible to get for months in 2023. Now I'm on adderall and it's less effective but I can access it.
Yeah as someone with ADHD (diagnosed in 1991) and a child with ADHD - which leads to my brain being not particularly productive - the fun game where I spend weeks waiting on meds/calling random pharmacies/trying less effective meds all because of government interference is kinda torturous sometimes.
But I probably need to call my Republican reps too, don't I? Sigh.
Wait. This dude wrote a book about "How the hateful left sucked the joy out of everything" and ALSO an insane rant against picnics and outdoor dining? 😂
We celebrate my sister every year on her birthday. It's still hard (it was sudden and has only been 3 years), but it's still nice to do.
When we traveled for the first time post-Covid, everyone was masked. But the 2 year old wouldn't keep his on and it was stressing me. Riding on an airport train I looked over to see him licking one of the hand rails.
Do we know for sure that the girl wants to be acknowledged? I admittedly haven't looked into this, but it *may* be that she prefers more privacy than that?
My (white, Southern) grandfather always said this. That Black families were together before Democrats tore them apart with social welfare programs and that schools were better for Black kids before desegregation.