Olivia Wertheimer

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Olivia Wertheimer


Tech Artist in Unreal | Mixture of art & politics | ✡️ | She/They | BiAro |

Ko-Fi: http://ko-fi.com/oliviasnerdydev
Throne: http://throne.me/kingdomfantasy6
They been project 2025-ing me since I was 8 years old Can we talk more about what marginalized groups have BEEN doing to stop them. And less like another 45 presidency is a given? He had to cheat a wet piece of paper should be able to beat him if you help disenfranchised voters.
so the dude with full AK-47, ski mask, ammo, etc., gets arrested after approaching the RNC, but an unhoused Black man well away from even the vehicle perimeter for the RNC, all the way across a major highway, gets shot to death by five cops. got it.
Portrait of a cat who misjudged a jump and fell into the recycling bin and actually would rather not talk about it, thank you very much
Northwestern's law school faculty is nearly 80 percent white and over 80 percent male Naturally the law school is being sued by some jabronis who think white guys aren't getting a fair shake in faculty hiring I wrote about it! ballsandstrikes.org/legal-cultur...
Affirmative Action Opponents Are Saying the Racist Part Out Loud Nowballsandstrikes.org A challenge to faculty hiring practices at Northwestern’s law school translates from legalese to “There are Black people on this faculty, Your Honor.”
I hadn't looked, as I was waiting for a breakdown from one of the political folks I watch/listen to, but uh. Um. Yeah, I'm with you with the shredding it. Or burning it. Or un-existencing it.
I know it's just "the quiet part out loud" from the American right, but that a bunch of them think now is the time to make a whole ass document listing the quiet part, makes me VERY concerned.
Oh. Yeah, I knew this was not good but what the fuck. So sex workers imprisoned. Trans people also imprisoned because our existence is apparently pornographic. Oh, and I'm sure lots of racist stereotypes and judgements regarding the sexualization of POC will be used to imprison them.
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
I know the point OP is making is about teachers and librarians, and that IS concerning. But I'm over here noting all the ways the imprisonment of undesirables would be justified from one paragraph alone.
Trump & Project 2025 want to put us in prison for writing & illustrating stories for kids in which queer people exist. #KidLit
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
honestly being busy with GOOD things instead of bad is such a weird feeling. A good weird feeling. But still. Hooray for you getting to experience that! And you've got this planning and relaunching!
Tudors + horses is a win for me. ...Which is proooooooobably why I willingly watched The Tudors when it was the household evening show. Sure, the sex scenes were...a thing, but also. (Also does this mean there's a new good Tudors show out now?)
I gave up on finishing Alien 3, just too much of a slog, and moved on to Alien Resurrection. About halfway through and I'm still surprised there's not only a disabled wheelchair user, but he wasn't one of the first ones killed.
He's not a faaaaave, as I'm more digging Christie, and I'm glad Christie's actor got some steady work on CSI after this! But I'm also always totally down for wheelchair user assembles weapon that was part of wheelchair, and shotgun blasts a xenomorph in the face.
Still plenty of ableism from various characters, but hey, turns out even military ships in the future can handle future wheelchairs! Also? I do like how the chair actually looks comfortable to be strapped into, while also having some grungy scifi design.
Some futuristic wheelchair designs just don't look comfortable OR practical. The one in Alien Resurrections? Oh it absolutely looks like it's been tinkered with, but the base design still follows what ACTUAL power chairs for paralyzed people look like.
And listen. I'm halfway through, I'm sure this guy will be one of the ones eaten, but for now, I'm just glad, despite some earlier comments from some characters, Vreies isn't being left behind. Christie, the black guy, has a back up plan involving carrying Vreies on his back.
Oh and Vreies, while strapped to Christie's back, can watch from behind and is carrying a weapon, so even when LITERALLY a "load", he's clearly not, for lack of a better word, useless. I mentioned Christie's race btw, as while I'm sure the writers didn't think of intersectional dynamics?
It DOES say something pretty damn realistic that the guy making sure the disabled character isn't left behind? Is black. We do often see this in real life, and unfortunately, white disabled people don't always return the favor. THAT is something we can definitely improve on.
me: i need to write me, 30 seconds later: what if i make a meme instead, this is productive and authentic bc it is self promotion but also depressing
FYI Sticker Mule sent out this email today so you know not to ever order things from sticker mule:
one of my favorite causes to donate to does not *exclusively* support Black trans women, but disproportionately supports Black trans women because of the intersecting axes of oppression they exist within. tgijp.org is an organization supporting incarcerated trans people, and they’re wonderful.
Can anyone share efforts that specifically support Black trans women? They are the most vulnerable group to being murdered in the US.
Stay safe Chicago folks! For those unfamiliar with the drill: get into a basement if you can, otherwise, a bathtub in the center of the house/apartment (away from windows) is best!
This is a *great* alternative to doom scrolling, omg. Go find something new and lovely to read.
If you're looking for an alternative to doom scrolling, you could add all the 2024 SFF books/short fiction/fanwork you've loved so far this year to the Hugo Rec Spreadsheet! Thinking about art you love AND sharing it with others? Win/Win! 🔗 docs.google.com/spreadsheets...
The Hugo Awards (2025)docs.google.com about Hello! 1. This sheet is currently OPEN to public contributions. 2. Please check out the RULES sheet, with organization guidelines and category explanations. 3. To see all the categories use th...
Also found one called Chem Merge which I like, in that it's combining tetris with 2048 esque merging, with the periodic table. And hey, you can learn stuff!
Okay, silly thread time. As many of us know, finding good, non-exploitative games on google play is a trial, soooo... Let's list some smol indie gems we've found! One I've been enjoying is "Witch Makes Potions" where you do just that. Very simple gameplay loop, great for playing while watching tv
my family is essentially camping out at their home. no electricity, no AC, living from an ice chest (and spending so much money on ice alone) the kids will be starting school soon and it breaks my heart to think they’re still not comfortably set up pls, anything helps 🖤
this week I could have lost my family but sadly my family has lost their home - A fire broke out at my mom’s home and while putting out the fire, a large gas leak was found. Now my siblings, their cats and my Mom are couch hopping and staying at hotels- homeless Please help us fix their home🙏🏼
Help Restore Family Home After Fire!, organized by Zoe Treezwww.gofundme.com On June 5th, 2024, my mother texted my sister and I the words "house caught fire!". Her… Zoe Treez needs your support for Help Restore Family Home After Fire!
Allies who appreciate that I’m taking these deeply annoying people on can help by subscribing to my Patreon or checking out my website, or…I dunno, tip jar on PayPal. You don’t have to, but if you really want to help, that’s what I would like. patreon.com/gothamgirlblue
The anti-Blackness on this site is omnipresent and uncontrolled, and it keeps getting worse. And every time it gets pointed out, white people keep deflecting to another marginalization they experience. But Black people still aren’t safe just being Black here. That’s that on that.
More on what I learned about Vance & his friends by reading one of the first dystopian novels-- PUBLISHED in 1937-- Before Austria was annexed. Before Kristallnacht. Before WWII. 12 years before Orwell would pen 1984. Set 600 years in the future Third Reich Empire:
On Authoritarianismwww.lifeisasacredtext.com Or: What Year 600 of the Reich Taught Me About Project 2025
...Alright, I won't watch the full debate, but I'm DEFINITELY making some popcorn for the highlight reel of purely Kamala ripping JD Vance to itty bitty pieces. I mean hey, might as well put those prosecutor skills to use for the public good for once.