
also looking forward to (probably) either Vance or Burgum facing national vetting
I have very unpleasant wishes for Vance’s comeuppance.
Yeah. But he’s also a really bad person.
He also is just brainpoisoned at this point can you imagine him speaking in public as a veep candidate
I don’t Vance is an idiot. We can have a silly debate about whether he’s smart (I don’t think so, but definitions of intelligence blah blah blah). But he’s not dumb. And he’s cleaver about what he’s trying to achieve. And driven. But he’s like a really bad person who deserves bad things.
What does his voice sound like? I feel like it's whiny and annoying, but I might also have made that up because that's how I imagine him saying whatever quotes I read. It seems like he's smart enough to not say too much and get himself into trouble, but maybe he just isn't good at getting attention.