
also looking forward to (probably) either Vance or Burgum facing national vetting
I have very unpleasant wishes for Vance’s comeuppance.
Yeah. But he’s also a really bad person.
He also is just brainpoisoned at this point can you imagine him speaking in public as a veep candidate
I don’t Vance is an idiot. We can have a silly debate about whether he’s smart (I don’t think so, but definitions of intelligence blah blah blah). But he’s not dumb. And he’s cleaver about what he’s trying to achieve. And driven. But he’s like a really bad person who deserves bad things.
He already played his hand, though. He can't back up and lose the support of the folks that would like him as Veep, and being the Veep means he has to appeal to normies in the general, and he can't do both of those at the same time
What does his voice sound like? I feel like it's whiny and annoying, but I might also have made that up because that's how I imagine him saying whatever quotes I read. It seems like he's smart enough to not say too much and get himself into trouble, but maybe he just isn't good at getting attention.
if he's not smart, I'll accept it--I'm going mostly by "people are saying" tbh. did anyone actually read Hillbilly Elegy? curious as to whether there are indicators of his severe sliminess and ambition in it
I read it and no, not really. The strange part of the book is that he lays bare how absolutely warped his grandparents and mother were and then was all, "yup, these people are the ones left behind," and people thought that he was being complimentary and exculpatory when he wasn't really either.
Interesting. Is it well written? I don't want to give him any money or anything but now I'm faintly curious. I can well imagine his family was bent. dude went into politics instead of therapy. why do they always do that.
I will say it's certainly an interesting read if you want to capture a sense of the zeitgeist that got it on the bestseller list and the subject of book clubs and whatnot. But yeah, check it out of the library if anything, don't give that slug a penny.
I read it too and was like "whoa" because there's a LOT of dysfunction there. and I live in a pretty dysfunctional place