
also looking forward to (probably) either Vance or Burgum facing national vetting
I have very unpleasant wishes for Vance’s comeuppance.
Yeah. But he’s also a really bad person.
He also is just brainpoisoned at this point can you imagine him speaking in public as a veep candidate
I don’t Vance is an idiot. We can have a silly debate about whether he’s smart (I don’t think so, but definitions of intelligence blah blah blah). But he’s not dumb. And he’s cleaver about what he’s trying to achieve. And driven. But he’s like a really bad person who deserves bad things.
He already played his hand, though. He can't back up and lose the support of the folks that would like him as Veep, and being the Veep means he has to appeal to normies in the general, and he can't do both of those at the same time
What does his voice sound like? I feel like it's whiny and annoying, but I might also have made that up because that's how I imagine him saying whatever quotes I read. It seems like he's smart enough to not say too much and get himself into trouble, but maybe he just isn't good at getting attention.
if he's not smart, I'll accept it--I'm going mostly by "people are saying" tbh. did anyone actually read Hillbilly Elegy? curious as to whether there are indicators of his severe sliminess and ambition in it
any billionaire is gonna have a mass grave of skeletons in their closet so i have to hope for burgum here
vance is such a shill there'll be like 6 shady characters he's on the take from tho
Buggers would be good. Vance is smart, unfortunately. Buggers seems like a nothingburger.
DJT is gonna be so hopped up on his own farts he's gonna pick Ivanka
I've been joking about this but you know...
It would be the third or fourth worst possible pick which puts it right in his wheelhouse
It’ll be Don jr, Ivanka is a woman and doesn’t have his name
Yeah, but he actually likes Ivanka, unlike Jr.
Anyway, the actual shortlist is: 1. Hannity 2. Kanye 3. Kim Jong Un
I'm low key expecting Vance, though I'd guess the campaign professionals will see Burgum as the safer choice. Either way, yes on the vetting.
MAGA is knives out for Burgum.
The way the MSM operates now, I doubt that will happen...but who knows? They just might do or say something so horrifying that the MSM will have to pay attention and move away from their "Biden is too old/Biden should drop out!" bulls#@t.
Vance is a snake and if Trump picks him he'll stab Trump in the back the MINUTE he thinks it's to his benefit. You want a legit shot at the 25th amendment? That's your guy.