
people find it so hard to believe that stormtroopers from Star Wars have terrible aim probably because bad equipment it's 2024 on earth and we have two of the most valuable companies in the history of the world: one of them is making airplanes that crash, the other makes trucks that can't get wet
Storm Troopers aren’t soldiers, they’re cops. They’re not used to people shooting back and aren’t trained to expect it.
This, added to armour that does fuck all and no peripheral vision.
Why do cops have armor like that though
have you been to the US?
They used to be soldiers, some of the best ever made. but most of the clone troopers are reaching their expiration date by a New Hope. By the time of the force awakens they are all gone.
By the time of TFA all* the clone troopers are dead. By the time of ANH it's doubtful there were more than a handful in active service. If that many. Maybe in the 501st there's a few. * except for Kix, because he got put into stasis for 50 years.
They are TENS OF BILLIONS of storm troopers. Training, blasters, armor and ships are all expensive. Empire is expensive
I knowwww they cut corners. They have to. They planers worth of troops and they’re in their relaxed imperial era. They’ve largely already won.
this is why the weird Dark Fleet Battle (?) made no sense, in star wars recent one how do you even get marerials for a thousand star destroyers let alone feed the crew of one hundred million for all that
And what’s the point like I genuinely think they were just trying to avoid a fourth Death Star
Rogue 1 did at least answer that by showing us the planet they strip mined bare to make the first one
The original sequel Dark Empire actually addresses this. Palp shifted away from human troops bc of the resource question and the super weapon of choice the world eater is a giant strip miner and factory so it eats up planet surfaces and spits out droid troopers and ships
I'll concede that, amid all the ridiculous super weapons (Sun Crusher, Darksaber, Galaxy Gun) the World Devastators were the most practical. They still destroyed planets but they also got something out of it.
You can feed the whole star destroyer at Arby'sTM
5,555,555 BURGERS 5,555,555 FRIES 5,555,555 TACOS 5,555,555 PIES 5,555,555 COKES 15,000,000 TATER TOTS 15,000,000 PIZZA 15,000,000 TENDERS
Suddenly picturing the inside of the Star Destroyer like an airport food court
I don’t understand how JJ managed to weave a moderately cohesive story in Lost. He hasn’t managed to so in so many of his other works.
And since it’s come up twice in a day, he got his chance because media execs couldn’t be adults:
And he got his chance because Viacom split its subsidiaries after the C-suites couldn’t be adults about the wardrobe malfunction Janet Jackson experienced.
The answer is Damon Lindelof. (*Not* Carlton Cuse!)
1. the Death Star is exponentially more *everything* than this was, and Palp built a *second* one in absolute secrecy 2. Considering that he built / equipped a clone army when he was a senator from Naboo, doing this when he’s Emperor honestly feels trivial in comparison.
His actual ultimate power was off-the-books accounting
Tbf, compared to the Death Star, 1,000 Star Destroyers is pretty reasonable to build up slowly if you've been doing it in secret for a few decades/half a century.
Even with droid support, who even built them? Seems like there can only be so many droids available. AND they're built by crappy low-bid Imperial contractors most likely, so betting the restrooms leak,,,
I think it's one of the plot holes the novelization tries to patch, but IIRC the official answer to the materials question is that Palpatine had followers embedded in different shipbuilding corporations swiping and embezzling most of what they needed.
To be kind of fair, the supplemental books specified that fleet was highly automated so each ship only needed a fraction of the crew of an Empire era destroyer. And the materials were funneled in from sympathetic corporations across the galaxy.
Something something unlimited power something something
Clones or some shit who cares that movie sucks so bad lol
So to further add in on this, they're all humans because the Empire is human supremacists AND they have conscription.
CEO of Sienar Fleet Systems: "Oh yeah, the TIE will maneuver circles around those boats from Incom." Imp Moff: "Great. How many shots from a medium laser cannon will the shields handle?" CEO: "The shwhat?"
The TIE fighters are a great example of this too! Built for speed and rapid mass production, mostly ineffective in dogfighting, so poorly designed they can barely turn in an atmosphere. When the Empire succeeds with them, it's because they outnumber their enemies 5-to-1 or better.
I've even read in some sci-fi novels where they call shitty, mass-produced, unshielded space fighters TIEs.
The TIE isn't terrible either and is very analogous to the Mitsubishi A6M "Zero" - Extremely good and capable in its designed roles and a nightmare to dogfight against, but once opposing pilots and technology caught up it had a much harder time being as effective.
You're apparently delving into some of the deeper Star Wars lore that I'm unaware of, but the Galactic Empire doesn't really have the excuse Japan did for their signature fighter being outclassed by their enemy's military tech.
Doesn't require the "deep lore", just watching the movies - TIEs and X-Wings are fairly evenly matched, the 6(?) that chase the Falcon in both ANH and ESB are almost enough to take it down *despite that not being their job* at least in ANH, *and* they (can, at least) have numbers on top of that.
We know the Empire has been around a long time well before ANH - It stands to reason the TIE has been in service for awhile as well. Plenty of time for at least some Rebel pilots to figure out its flaws and start training others, but even with that the TIE remains deadly throughout the OT.
Lastly - It's a *space* fighter. No reason for it to be good in atmosphere, especially when the Empire typically has other options for that.
So more analogous to the Soviet Union than anything
Possibly, although I'm not very well-read on the relative qualities of theor war machines and the USSR had a much better excuse for being outmatched technologically than the Galactic Empire does.
This is the explanation supported by the Star Wars game Dark Forces. You could pick up and use stormtroopers' blaster rifles, but the shot grouping was hilariously bad.
This is such an important part of the baked-in fascist critique of Star Wars. If the Empire was good at things, it wouldn’t be the Empire. Some 9/11-era authors missed this so the novels sucked for awhile.
So many bad faith conservatives in the aughts had arguments about how the Empire was Good, Actually.
People complaining about the Disney era either don’t know how bad it was or are actually a one that is bad
When people complained that a third iteration of the death star was unrealistic, I was like "oh you've never worked for an executive with a doomed pet project before, huh."