
Do white people know how racist they are. I know they donā€™t care, but do they understand it.
The url shows Philā€™s Google search and thatā€™s the behind the scenes action Iā€™m here for.
Which url? Who's Phil? Behind the scenes action is the only unvarnished action, I've learned.
They donā€™t understand they just continuously do racist things and then act shocked when we say thatā€™s racist.
short answer no. long answer nooooooooooooooooooooo
i assure you we do not
My take on this is: those people donā€™t just believe theyā€™re not racist, they believe theyā€™re *anti-racist*. Thereā€™s no ā€œAP white studiesā€ class, so this move addresses that ā€œracism.ā€
Since this is the internet, I should back up and say, Iā€™m obviously not talking about the people who passed this and people like them, they know what theyā€™re doing.
Nah. It doesn't directly affect them in an overtly negative way, so they never feel any need to learn
we are unknowingly making ourselves more racist through a series of extremely deliberate decisions
They donā€™t understand because they werenā€™t taught in school and theyā€™re hellbent on keeping it that way.
JFC!!! ā€œThose that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.ā€ - Sir Winston Churchill So tired of seeing reruns of the worst of humans! Why can't we be better? *sigh*
most white people actively try not to think about it. they can't be racist, racism was solved with the civil rights act, therefore only racists think about racism. (it's so easy to see from this side of it, but they willfully refuse to think about racism that applies to then)
I definitely didn't understand it, still don't really, but I am learning
id say no since when i was in uk high schools learning history they refused to acknowledge uk black history and acts like only america is racist. so no
Something on my mind since Arizona went after Ethnic Studies in '10 was people creating alternate reading list/syllabi. The way things are going - and may get worse depending on who wins in November - I get the feeling that people are going to start putting together and expanding those lists.
They've been for so long that they have become complacent & so comfortable & tolerable of racism that they know its racist, but have no way to gauge it. But as we've both pointed out, thet was never a prerogative of theirs to begin with. When something bad is around too long, it becomes the norm. ā˜ ļø
They're sure they can't be, and they'll introduce you to their "black friend" to prove it.
I'm not Christian, but I am South Carolinian. And in that sense, I know I carry a sin. It's a uniquely white American sin that I have to work at all the time to comprehend and a civic religion is what white Americans owe Black Americans as part of reparations, and owe the body politic in general.
And by a civic religion, I mean a belief that the American state was founded for explicitly unjust reasons--slavery--and has to be made right by us now.
The Roberts Court, McMaster, Rufo--all those working to disenfranchise Black South Carolinians, they live in fear of the idea that that argument could become viable in a civics course curriculum. And of course they start with Black life because re-segregation is their passion.
If youā€™re not a Christian, the concept of sin is irrelevant. Just be a person who gives a shit without all the religious overtones
They all want to deny what happened during Jim Crow. But you don't need to go back that far. The killings of Trayvon Martin and George Floyd are modern day lynchings. It's hard to forget that. I can't even watch that video.
I think they know full well. That is the point. They are racists and are proud of it. Which is stupid but that's their jam.
As a white person, part of the whole system is so that we don't _have_ to understand it. Until a fish breaches the surface, it does not realize it is in water. I had to have my aquarium walls breached multiple times in multiple other ways to realize it at all.
In SC, they go to church twice every Sunday to keep themselves convinced that they are not.
The thing people need to confront head on is that the race-based social/economic hierarchies, low taxes due to prison labor, and the overall massive inequality are a functional system that local whites not only adore and protect but expect to outlast liberalism. Itā€™s shame and morality resistant.
Cites funding. Supposed that they line item zeroed the program and cited a funding issue. Great. Have a friend who has run for Governor of SC several times. Wish SC voted him into office. No idea what he'd do, but everything he has talked about is better than this.