
For the entirety of this century, Democrats have been naive institutionalists while Republicans have been destructionists. Institutions cannot save you if they do not exist. Conservatives are trying to kill us while liberals are still bitching about following the norms.
Democrats are obsessed with letting Republicans break the norms, then pointing at them and being like "AH HAH! I Knew you guys wanted to break the norms! Look everybody!" and then nobody cares because all the Republican voters *like it* when they do that
Been banging this drum for... fucking years now. We are at war, and have been at war.
And the Dems aren't actually taking effective to enforce those norms! Just whining and expecting them to have force!
It feels like Democrats think norms are self executing rather than requiring constant reinforcement and maintenance. This is weird! It's a norm violation! It's uncomfortable to treat this as normal! But if the opposition party treats a no big deal, well, it can't be that big of a deal, right?
Their main use is ofc keeping the left, the only people with real solutions to this that benefit normal people, down
Might not be what you had in mind, but the number of "but we had primaries!" replies I get when I suggest maybe Biden can't save us from Trump... Folks can't process the idea that we're not in a normal situation.
The house already burned down and they still believe it’s salvageable.
Liberals want "Conservatives" (racists) to make progress. They just can't admit this in the open.
And this is why I believe anarchy is the solution. FUCK the institutions. They're not going to be there to save us anyway. The republicans aren't playing by the rules, why the hell should we? It's time to break things. When tyranny is law revolution is order.
Democrats desperately need to throw out the rules, play dirty, and fucking win. Deal with the fallout later when everything isn't still burning down.
This fails to recognize that the Democrats do, in fact, usually win and their finders are satisfied with their relative effectiveness. It’s not a social movement and there’s no impetus to fight that hard.
Been consistently proven for over 44 years-- "Any jackass can kick down a barn, but it takes a good carpenter to build one." Sam Rayburn
Dems break the norms at will, regularly, by pointing out “We are a private corporation and can do what we want, even if it goes against the charter we presented when we demanded donations.” The same oligarchs control both cheeks of the duopoly ass.
Saw the perfect analogy earlier. Republicans are the Uvalde shooter and Dems are the cops outside standing around doing nothing. That about sums it up.
Republicans are little Eichmanns and Democrats are little Neville Chamberlains.