Thomas A Lewis

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Thomas A Lewis

Naturalist, professional guide, comedy, music. New England and beyond.
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My new, seven-minute update on #COVID19 status in the US. Key points: The CDC has strengthened its guidance COVID is surging across the US COVID is very high in select locations We can all take simple steps to protect ourselves.
US COVID Update for July 7, 2024: Infections High in Parts of US, and the CDC Takes a Vacation… This week, the US CDC discreetly increased its warnings about the risks of COVID, and then promptly took a holiday vacation. It did this…
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For the time it takes to create a human life the world has stood by unable to stop the bombing of hospitals, refugee camps, family homes, tent cities in so-called “safe zones.” Kids losing their legs before they can walk, babies conceived, born and killed under genocidal bombardment… So much death.
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The IOF attacked Yasser Darwish, a member of Fatah Revolutionary Council, destroyed his property, and brutally beat his two sons IOF fired rubber-coated bullets towards Darwish’s sons, injuring at least one of them, and assaulted his wife before taking him hostage
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Here’s the article, from a publication that spent the last 9 months exclusively blaming Palestinians for these deaths
IDF ordered Hannibal directive on October 7 to prevent Hamas taking soldiers ***
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In what is certain to be a shock to everybody who has vociferously denied that the IOF used the Hannibal Directive on October 7, Haaretz reports that the IOF used the Hannibal Directive on October 7
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This morning, organizers with the Arizona for Abortion Access ballot initiative submitted a record breaking 823,685 signatures. For reference, that’s 1 out of 5 registered voters here. If approved in November, it will expand access in AZ and enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution.
Arizona abortion rights measure to submit record signature Backers of an Arizona abortion rights measure said they plan to turn in a record number of signatures on Wednesday.
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ah yes that familiar sticking point in a cease fire deal, asking your opponents to “cease firing”
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I’m fkn so sick of liberals trying to erase the tens of thousands of murdered women and children in Gaza that Biden has had everything to do with. You don’t care about people, ethics, morals or truth. You just care about winning to do it again. Fck you all.
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Liberals are so comfortable in the knowledge that they're Good People who Worked Hard and nothing that's happening now is their fault. They will happily sacrifice any of us as long as they can maintain that.
Sometimes the best thing you can do is getting the fuck out of the way, Joe.
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if only there was a word for "displacing" an "entire population" of people using "military ground operations"
Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military last week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ground operation, the latest UN figures show.
Almost entire population in Gaza now displaced amid fresh Israeli offensive | Nearly 2 million people have been displaced in Gaza – almost the entire population – after the Israeli military this week ordered a further 80,000 people to evacuate parts of Gaza City amid a renewed ...
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I think it's hilarious that Dems have run cover for this selfish, arrogant, out-of-touch, lying, genocidal piece of shit for so long and now he has them caught in a death grip as his campaign is spiraling down the tubes. He's absolutely going to bring the party to ruin. Time to reap what you've sown
Biden to Democrats calling for him to quit: ‘I’m staying in the race’ - Roll President Biden dismissed Democrats calling for him to drop out of the presidential race, arguing he is not too old for the job.
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Congratulations to Algerians, who achieved independence 62 years ago today through peaceful protests, negotiations, and a UN-brokered peace deal with French settlers. Just kidding, they merked French occupiers by any and all available means and earned their freedom with blood and lead.
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Hillary Clinton got Democrats to accept neocon wars and restrictions on civil liberties. Now Joe Biden has Democrats accepting genocide.
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Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions Via THR
Wallace Shawn on Gaza: “The Anger of the Palestinians Cannot Be Ended by Killing Their Children” The playwright, actor, and member of Jewish Voice for Peace challenges the notion that all Jews support Israel's actions
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This just infuriates me. The risk of Covid may well be rising but lack of reporting disguises that fact. With a disease this dangerous and deadly, what possesses the government, state and federal, to stop reporting incidence of the disease.
A lack of data may be hiding a summer COVID wave in CT: 'There is an ostriching that is going on' With a lack of statewide testing data now, a wave of COVID infections may be hitting CT and many may not realize it until there's a surge in hospitalizations.
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You’ll never guess who bombed another school today.
You’ll never guess who bombed another school today
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"Stop the War Machinery" Sticker spotted in Liberec, Czechia
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☕😶 so to prevent all these bad project 2025 things from happening we're supposed to #vote for the people who've abandoned us to this #SARSCoV2 pandemic? you're telling me the people feeding their wealth & power on our preventable maimings & deaths will fight for us on these though? wow really? 🙃
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Senior White House Official (anonymous) says Biden should not seek re-election. — NYT
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2 friends have COVID 2 others continue to deal with the life altering effects of long COVID, which isn’t new but always reminds me of the importance of minimizing risk
NYC COVID cases up 250% in 2 months — and this variant's harder to The increases is driven by the new FLiRT variant.
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Posts have shown me Bisan and Motaz and all of the horrors and atrocities being committed with weapons my country is sending by horrible people my country is protecting from consequence
It’s funny cause people tell me *all the time* how they’ve learned from me and found community through my posts and been uplifted and connected to others and gotten tools to recognize and fight hate and felt less alone in the world. But I guess fuck that right? I’m not accomplishing anything.
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This happens with your US tax dollars every single day because Joe Biden wants it to happen. I can not reward someone doing this with my vote.
ISRAELI MASSACRE IN GAZA Israel bombs UN School, targeting families, many displaced from Khan Yunis — 3+ airstrikes — 14+ civilians killed so far — Footage shows bloodied bodies of children Al-Jaoni UN school Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp Central Gaza 7.6.24
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ISRAELI MASSACRE IN GAZA Israel bombs UN School, targeting families, many displaced from Khan Yunis — 3+ airstrikes — 14+ civilians killed so far — Footage shows bloodied bodies of children Al-Jaoni UN school Al-Nuseirat Refugee Camp Central Gaza 7.6.24
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To Prevent War in #Lebanon, the US Must Stop Giving Israel the Support to Wage It Liberals don't grasp that 1% rule means the rulers view themselves as being the USA, ergo "broader US interests" = *their* interests; & what the 1% want is more war. #Imperialism
To Prevent War in Lebanon, the US Must Stop Giving Israel the Support to Wage It | Common As hopes for a Gaza cease-fire fade, the threat of war between Israel and Hezbollah looms. Biden's approach may fuel conflict.
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If you’re tired of talking about a genocide for 9+ months … Imagine how those living it feel ! Please don’t stop talking about Palestine 🙏🏻 #PalestineWillBeFree #StopTheGenocideNow
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Trump should be no where near a presidency. Biden being incompetent & disqualified (age, dementia, ideology) has absolutely nothing to do with if I desire Trump. It's a statement on Joe Biden's performance. He does not deserve a second term, regardless of any "Other." And that is 💯 on Democrats.
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reskeet with a tweet you still think about *coughs at my fellow Americans*
reskeet with a tweet you still think about
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