AD Wilson

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AD Wilson

lots of stuff
Considering how regularly we hear it, it’s time for people to stop verbalizing the acronym “SCOTUS “. It approaches “moist” and “brownies” as the most viscerally disgusting sounding English words. Both “Supreme Court” or “fascist cabal” work fine.
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Hooray for the New York Public Library! It's going to be open 7 days a week, thanks to the budget passed by the City Council today—and all the organizers who pushed to make this happen
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We’re living through an era when everything needs to be upended yet so many people are clinging tightly to the edge of the pool. I understand why this is: when things feel uncertain, the status quo is a mirage of ‘safety’. But we need people who are willing to swim in the deep end & offer new paths
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The violence of colonialism is permitted in the present and condemned in the future. The violence of resistance is prohibited in the present and revered in the future.
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Herman Melville on moderates, all the way back in 1857:
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Every room is an escape room if you’re very dumb
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“Pitching tents in public places is violence” is an interesting line of reasoning to follow as climate change and rising rents displace more people, as cities grow increasingly aggressive about criminalizing their homeless populations, and as more climate and war refugees arrive.
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The multidimensional matrix of oppression is cops inflicting state violence on student protesters who want divestment from the military industrial complex that is fueling genocide and ecocide against an indigenous population because a university wants to be a capitalist conglomerate.
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I think we need a national reckoning with why and how such a vast array of adults want their own children and grandchildren beaten and killed for protesting genocide. Just a thought.
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this checks out
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one of the most important things to learn when you're young is "bosses and cops suck" so colleges are doing a pretty good job education-wise
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"calling for the national guard" is just code for "we should shoot the protesters." There's no reason to call for the guard - even if that's your goal the police can handle shooting people just fine. Everyone understands this, especially the people pretending not to
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Folks do not like to acknowledge it, but the reality is you have no first amendment right if the police are allowed to arrest you when you have broken no law, and are assembling in the effort to petition power for a redress of grievance. All the rhetorical trickery aside, it comes down to that.
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“The aggressive hallucinating lady agrees with our politics” is an odd flex but OK.
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are you there God? It’s me, your cousin…Marvin. Marvin God!
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🚨BREAKING – 5,200 autoworkers for Mercedes-Benz in Alabama are forming a union and joining the United Auto Workers
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RIP Breonna Taylor. Murdered by LMPD on March 13, 2020. Always say her name.
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"Class Struggle / March 8 / Women's Struggle" #8M mural in Copenhagen
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This is a really indicative example of the generic, destructive left bashing pablum that only ramps up as an election approaches. The ONLY political action this poster even conceives is voting. No organizing no mobilization no union work no political education etc.
That’s a great philosophical debate but I’m talking about real life. We have an electoral system which presents two options, both bad. What are we to actually do? Stay home until a savior is magically nominated? We have two choices. Which is in reality better for the good of mankind?
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I'm not convinced that Rufo or a lot of these other white nationalists actually care about these things. I think it's a laundry list of cudgels that they intend to use against perceived enemies. In another time and place, they'd be complaining about the degeneracy of music or ankles or kites.
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“Killers of the Flower Moon” is a deeply disappointing film. Just because Scorsese includes great secondary performances from Indigenous actors doesn’t mean it wasn’t mostly Deniro and DiCaprio exchanging thinly veiled gangster monologues at each other with zero character growth for 2.5 hours.