
Jason Kuznicki
Jason Kuznicki
Gay dad in Puna, HI. Probably not like you. Definitely not like that either.

Blader Skates
Blader Skates
Fastest growing skates collective in Ghana, West Africa(Since 2019). Empowering the Youth & Driving the Diversity in Education through Social Inclusion🛼🛹⛸🏒
It’s Joe!
It’s Joe!
Mostly low-volume nonsense. In Pittsburgh, PA.
Emily Houston
Emily Houston
Zangi app
loup garoux omegaverse
loup garoux omegaverse
here for a bad time AND a long time (i cannot be killed by human weapons)
writer, artist, mum, spoonie, very tired. she/her. Writing blog at FFXIV, Baldur's Gate 3, science fiction, fantasy and poetry
מרדכי  יצחק 🇺🇸🗽✡️🕎🥯HONEST LIBERAL
מרדכי יצחק 🇺🇸🗽✡️🕎🥯HONEST LIBERAL
NYC, engineering manager, media, opinions are my own and not my employer's or anyone else's.
Phil Christman
Phil Christman
pretty good essayist. buy my books here (
James Rizzo
James Rizzo
Pittsburgh, PA
Media psychologist • Neo-anthropogenic psychology: where evolutionary meets media and technology psychologies • AI pragmatist• Futurist • Poker • Isle of dogs
tim city.
tim city.
an endearing rock. permanent pedestrian. he/him. musician. union member. I work at the grocery store.

profits are stolen wages,
property is theft ☭

chicago, west virginia
and I'm just trying to make you see
Writes code, reads books, loves cats (he/him)
More dogs, less people
Moody Beth
Moody Beth
Dv survivor mom artist
Disabled parent also battling long covid
I love to read write and paint
Stardragon The Canadian
Student of the history of science and technology. Hippie. Trekker. Monarchist. Or An AI Experiment At The University of Alberta Run Muck.
Any pronouns.🥥🌴
Slava Ukraini. Heroyum slava.
Farza Domar
Farza Domar
Built two 7-figures online businesses
(Agency + Infoproducts)
Let’s build your own $10k/pm agency.
Doc Moulton
Doc Moulton
IRL Enthusiast - OEF platoon medic/Paratrooper - Student for life - No Good Do Gooder - Encourager of questionable behavior - Sea kayaker - Headbutted by Wesley Willis
Michael Goetzman
Michael Goetzman
Wisconsinite, Cypherpunk, Solarpunk ❂ Environmentalist, Burner, Hacker, Kabbalist, Freemason, @CypherCon Creator, @DEFCON Goon, MSFT MVP & CIO / CISO 🇺🇸✡️🇮🇱 Check out the hacker conferences (MN) & (WI)
Paul M. Cray
Paul M. Cray
"A plain, unvarnished Preston man." Living my best "Frasier" life in Seattle, Wash. Interests: AGI, APIs, books, food, futurology, historiographic metafiction, ideas, sf, technoeconomic paradigm shifts, the Technological Singularity, writing
Қз.🇰🇿 Иверкана Цуюрий
Қз.🇰🇿 Иверкана Цуюрий
I'm currently a blogger, production manager, and former YouTuber.
And I'm involved in donor intermediation.
Dan ChickHolla
Dan ChickHolla
a joke a day keeps the impending sense of doom at bay
April Daniels
April Daniels
Author of Dreadnought, Sovereign, and a forthcoming third book.

Trans, PDX, cranky
Michael Paulauski
Michael Paulauski
I lose brain cells so you don't have to. Devops Galore. DemSoc liking anarchism. Antifascist. BLM/Abolish the Police. Views are mine, not employer’s. He/him
Karl Steel
Karl Steel
Brooklyn College / Grad Center Medievalist. Posthumanism. How to Make a Human (Ohio State UP 2011); How Not to Make a Human (Minnesota UP 2019). Currently working on The Irrational Animal.
Crapulous ultracrepidarian. Commie adjacent. Rascally asiatic. Old dog. Chino Loco. I hate raisins. Beer. Cigarettes. Masochism. Crab gang 🦀 * reminds you to review your terms of service and accepts no liability for damages to prope
Matthew Downhour
Matthew Downhour
Liberal, Montanan. Subscribe to Paine-Wollstonecraft-Douglass-George thought, Bolivar-Juarez-Nkomo-Zelenskyy praxis
The Pundick providers Grade A shitposting for the discerning shit consumer.
Clarence Thomas the Tank Engine
Clarence Thomas the Tank Engine
Public Defender. Abolish Prisons and the Police. Co-host @millreview. Listen to the podcast:
I command spacecraft exploring the far reaches of the cosmos and bribe my dog to go to her crate
Hemry, Local Bartender
Hemry, Local Bartender
Faine Greenwood
Faine Greenwood
civilian drone mapping technology and GIS/spatial data consultant, sometimes journalist and writer, monitors small drones in the Ukraine war, humanitarian-aid adjacent, always annoying online. they/them
Brooke Binkowski
Brooke Binkowski
Tlönista. Shitposting merrily downward. Weird plant, cat, books lady. Sci-fi, fantasy, art, jazz, etc. Profile photo is a selfie with the bottom half of my face hilariously covered by my cat's. Banner pic is of crows in a tree.
I work in editorial at a small book publishing company. Degrees in law and political philosophy, interests in psychoanalysis, Christian theology, Sufi monism, philosophy, and post-liberalism. English gent(ile).
Daily post about electrical tips and tricks. Don't own any content
Duke of Sussex
Duke of Sussex
Prince Henry Charles Albert David; born 15 September 1984) a member of the British royal family. The younger son of King Charles III and Diana, Princess of Wales, I am fifth in the line of succession to the British throne.
Editor, Writer, Curriculum Developer; Chicagoan from Texas; mom to high school kid; valet to and feeder of cats; admirer and petter of dogs; very reliable voter who thinks Biden has been a solid president, actually.
🔞pro-ship. ngl, i'm mainly here to vent negativity and rubberneck dumb arguments. fandom, politics, obnoxious pedantry, horny nerd shit. liberals and Democrats are Good, Actually.
Nunsense & Shenunigans
Nunsense & Shenunigans
You might know me as Sister Margaretta from the Sound of Music

"If equal affection cannot be
let the more liking one be me"
Twitt: @annaleehqbeta
Post: @annaleehq
Ph: (202) 224-3121
Please give my secretary your zip code
monsieur marcel
monsieur marcel
artist, hockey player, programmer