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political theory | wonder in modern political thought | kansan | often confused | he/him
Update on whether Ahab will step down:
Ahab is for ever Ahab, man. This whole act’s immutably decreed.
Reposted byAvatar Kye
strange subterranean commotions
I actually think it’s good when public officials constrain their behavior out of fear of the consequences breaking the law
Reposted byAvatar Kye
If you’d like to support the Smith College Library Workers’ Union as bargaining begins, the union has made it easy with a quick form. SCLWU hopes to gather as many signatures as possible from students, staff, faculty, alums, & community members. Thank you!
Sign our open letter of support! CALL TO ACTION 6/26/2024: With over half of Smith College Libraries Workers United (SCLWU) members reporting that they are looking for other jobs, and while recruitment and retention are at all time l...
Humidity forecast:
the pressure of the water is immense
An under-appreciated reason (besides, of course, by Michael Denning) why Citizen Kane slaps is the full-chested critique of American fascism at a moment in which it was a real threat.
Reposted byAvatar Kye
Join the WPSA Political Theory Virtual Community Fri 6/28 4-5:30 pm ET to discuss Noga Rotem's paper on Hobbes & paranoia w/ as commenter! Details here: #PolTheory #PoliSky
SAVE THE DATE: Friday, June 28 - Noga Rotem on "'No More Wonder': Hobbes's Leviathan and the Politics of Paranoia"
Reposted byAvatar Kye
veritable gospel cetology
Reposted byAvatar Kye
Reposted byAvatar Kye
Stay not just woke, but Wide Awake.
Thinking about becoming a Lost Causer, but for Reconstruction. Flying an 1876 flag, slipping “40 acres & a mule” into casual conversation, saying “our people fought the good fight” about ten+ years of multiracial governing.
Reposted byAvatar Kye
It is not down in any map; true places never are.
Reposted byAvatar Kye
Look if you've got a low-lying state made of swiss cheese limestone that insurance companies are fleeing in droves because it's already going to shit, you gotta keep those wind turbines no one is actually asking to build out of your precious boiling waters
DeSantis signs bill scrubbing ‘climate change’ from Florida Climate advocates said the bill is a bid for national attention from a Republican governor eager to use global warming as a culture war issue.
Does the enshittification really have to be for everything?
Reposted byAvatar Kye
"In my nearly 40 years as a faculty member, I have never seen such brazen cruelty toward students and faculty, such cowardice before what amounts to a right-wing witch hunt, and such blatant dishonesty." Robin D. G. Kelley to Columbia President Minouche Shafik:
Letter to Columbia President Minouche Shafik - Boston You are keeping no one safe, except for your donors, trustees, and the university’s endowment.
Helluva way to end a semester
Reposted byAvatar Kye
For campus administrations freaking out about the visuals of protests they sure are bad at recognizing the optics of their response
Conservative politicians have found an opportunity to have liberal kids brutalized and they really couldn’t be more ecstatic
Reposted byAvatar Kye
"I just signed a low protecting free speech on college campuses" "These protestors belong in jail"
This is the least surprising possible progression of The Atlantic’s relation to higher ed instruction
Reposted byAvatar Kye
Women in the history of political thought question: does anyone have any texts by women in the 18th or 19th century critically appraising the association of women with nature or the naturalization of 'women's labor' that they would recommend?
Reposted byAvatar Kye
If you want to lead any major institution in America you need the approval of a jerkoff named Chris Rufo and if you piss him off the New York Times will help him get you fired
Inflicting Herbert Spencer on my students might be the wildest thing I’ve done as an instructor
Reposted byAvatar Kye
I need you to understand the Supreme Court just allowed a ban on medical care to take effect in response to an ADF brief that cited Pamela Paul as an authority on the matter
Anti-trans bills keep citing the New York “By any objective measure, the paper seems clearly devoted to advocating against this care.”
Reposted byAvatar Kye
The logic of email conversation
Reposted byAvatar Kye
Did you read (or write) a great feminist political theory paper in 2023? Please nominate it for APSA's Okin-Young Award in Feminist Political Theory! Any paper published in 2023 in any English-language journal is eligible
Reposted byAvatar Kye
AI feels like a real mania, a genuine collective break from reality among the ruling class. They might as well be pouring billions of dollars into an attempt to replace all jobs and knowledge with a large bronze idol of Dagon.
My Political Visions of Nature class met in Smith Special Collections today to see the insanely great collection of early eds. of some texts we’ve read or discussed, including a signed, Kelmscott edition of a Morris book! Huge thanks to !
Reposted byAvatar Kye