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Nature & animal lover, vegan since 2000, I enjoy libraries, genealogy, & solitude.
I 💜 wild Bergamot & the spicy-minty aromatherapy they provided during hikes in the Wyoming foothills. We lived at 5,000’ & they grew all around us in fields & meadows. Our Border Collie, Willow, enjoyed them too. ☺️ (Bergamot & is said to improve the health & flavor of 🍅 when planted with them.)
Ah yes, makeup & a super saturated palette = so vibrant! So alive! So presidential!
We’ve definitely got a bat thing going on! Sending you all my best bat energy to aid in your summoning powers… 🦟🦇 🤣
That’s how I felt when I learned the German word for bat, “fledermaus,” means “flutter mouse!” (Fleder, from an old form of the modern German “flattern,” is in English, “flutter.”)
Your post reminded me of this sign friends made & piece they wrote to honor their beloved sanctuary: "Wrap your arms around the wonderous, twisted trunks; breathe the scents of the surrounding forest; feel textures of soft moss against your face; while pressures of the angry world drop away..."
They didn’t delete it from their site…I took this screenshot a few minutes ago… (I guess now being convicted of 34 felonies qualifies one as “triumphant” in both MAGA and MSM World? 🤬🤮)
To a copy of this Bill Bramwell cartoon, someone added “/Disinformation” to “Misinformation” in the speech bubble. (While that definitely made it more accurate, I’m sharing Bramwell’s original)…
“[A] significant portion of America’s economic elite are either autocrats, cowards, or so single-mindedly rapacious that they are indifferent to the survival of democracy…” Or perhaps the cowardly, rapacious autocrats are all three. (Plus, for good measure, treacherous).
1/ Catherine Violet Hubbard, a victim in the 2012 Newtown shooting, would’ve turned 18 today. Known for her ❤️ of all critters, when a monarch 🦋 once landed on her finger she whispered to it, “Tell your friends that I am kind.” Her legacy of kindness lives on & grows at:
Likewise my great-great-grandfather, a 1st Sergeant in the 58th Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry who was captured at The Battle of the Wilderness and very nearly died at Andersonville. I think about him a LOT these days.
And most of the media, of course, aren’t helping. “The road to facism is lined with people telling you to stop over-reacting.”
“I was not even aware of the upside down flag until it was called to my attention.” We all saw the NYT photo of it on his front lawn by his driveway. If he’s lying (🤨), he has no business being on the SCOTUS. And if he’s not (🙄), he has no attention to detail & thus no business being on the SCOTUS.
Lara’s lovely & interesting book is especially perfect for this rainy day…
A sweet little Pacific tree 🐸 took up residence in our Purple Heuchera & hops out to greet me (&/or to enjoy a shower) when I water it. (Dunno when I’ll get a chance to clean up the poor 🪴, raggedy-ass after the winter — but that’s ok, my wee friend doesn’t seem to mind! #nature #critters #wildlife
“holy shit, have you ever seen a person with deader eyes?” Only one comes to mind.
I think the reason that hasn’t been posting here is that they quickly realized their time would almost entirely be spent quote-tweeting your posts, “Art.” Thanks for yet another masterpiece.
If you equate “oppression” w/the fact your perpetual lion’s share of the 🥧 is shrinking others living in the same pluralistic democracy want to enjoy the same rights you’ve always had, throwing obnoxious tantrums & demanding total domination in every sphere of life is the only reasonable response. 🙄
"Donald is on our side! ... He supported the head of the 🇺🇸 [EPA], Scott Pruitt, who stated that his agency would no longer deal with negative effects potentially derived from products containing asbestos. Donald Trump…called asbestos '100% safe after application.'"
I had to read M-D in h.s., when I was too literarily green (despite my ❤️ of reading) to appreciate it like I did just now (despite my loathing of whaling), as I read your wonderful excerpts & insights. Made me wish you’d been my English teacher! ☺️ (Speaking of sea-faring misadventures, I just read👇)
His puerile tantrums & despicable behavior have long put me in mind of Edward Gorey’s “The Beastly Baby” (reinforced by its uncanny resemblance to the Trump Baby Balloon). Main difference: the Beastly Baby is described as having sleepless nights due to a guilty conscience i/o psycho rage-posting.
In memory of Justice Thurgood Marshall, who died Jan 24, 1993. The 1st Black SCOTUS justice, he was vital in ending legal segregation through 1954’s Brown v. Board of Education. "The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis." #ThurgoodMarshall #quote
There I was, innocently researching the English birth record of a relative on my family tree, when suddenly I got the feeling I was being watched…🤨 😆 #genealogy
Remembering #IsaacAsimov on the date he celebrated his birthday…
“Year's end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us.” ~Hal Borland #NewYear #HappyNewYear
"I wish I could stand on a busy corner, hat in hand, and beg people to throw me all their wasted hours." ~Bernard Berenson #quote #time
“Winter came down to our home one night Quietly pirouetting in on silvery-toed slippers of snow, And we, we were children once again.” ~Bill Morgan, Jr. #WinterSolstice #quote
End of feed.