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Nature & animal lover, vegan since 2000, I enjoy libraries, genealogy, & solitude.
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
I don't even know what to say. This gleeful cruelty is despicable. I have some faith that it is also disgusting to average, non-posting types. I mean, this is just really fucking gross.
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I cannot believe Adam Schiff steered the conversation back to “Biden is too old”. We have to be pragmatic. 1. Ds have to unite around another candidate FAST & that won’t happen. 2. Republican state AGs will sue to block the candidate change. It’s not practical. Stop the circular firing squad.
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moral issues aside* do you like having a functional economy? do you like eating food? apparently these people do not *you cannot actually set the moral issues aside
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"Adam Schiff is wrong. Joe Biden is on track to beating Trump this November and is estimated to receive 277 electoral votes over Trump's 261 electoral votes. Why on earth are we still having this debate? The numbers don't lie. Voters have Biden's back"
Voters Have Biden's Back, Trump Fails At The President's campaign has a new coat of armor, while Donald struggles to connect with the GOP base
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Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
I loathed George W Bush, but this is what the then Gov of Texas said at 2000 convention "The largest lesson I learned in Midland still guides me as governor of Texas: Everyone, from immigrant to entrepreneur, has an equal claim on this country's promise." Glimpse of how far GOP has devolved
The TX Governor also lead the crowd in a nativist chant of “send them back”. They mean it. This isn’t just some side issue, the radical nativism is the through line of this whole convention. The mass deportation agenda is the GOP‘s animating force in 2024.
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Steven Beschloss: "What kind of country are we if the man who occupied the most powerful office in the land could commit crime after crime, attempt to stay in power illegally, destroy evidence compulsively day after day, and he is not held accountable and tens of millions want him back in power?"
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
I think the biggest story is that Republicans are about to nominate an adjudicated rapist and fraud convicted of felony voter deception who is vowing to help hand Europe over to Putin. But history is conspiring to make sure that this goes unsaid.
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Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
The lawlessness, violence, and cruelty of a second Trump term elected on an explicit promise of tens of millions of deportations will be utterly horrifying.
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“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.” - Emma Lazarus They come because we invited them. And we are stronger for it.
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The Republican plan to separate American families and deport millions will devastate the economy. It will create job loss, increase inflation, and wreak havoc on key industries, including construction, healthcare, and agriculture.
Trump promises to turn the military and deputize the police into his show-me-your-papers force tasked with rounding up millions for mass detention camps. That is not hyperbole. This is the plan they are campaigning on.
None of this is for the real benefit of American families but at their great expense. Mass family separation will cost American jobs. Mass family separation will not make neighborhoods safer. Mass family separation will undermine the short and long-term prosperity of the nation.
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Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
The sign literally says "Mass Deportations Now" Bloomberg: "loosely tied to immigration"
The theme of the night is “Make America Strong Once Again.” Speeches and videos played on the screen in the arena are loosely tied to immigration, the conflict in Ukraine and the US’s role on the world stage Latest updates:
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lmao -- Maria Bartiromo on Fox News just now gave Donald Trump credit for the stock market hitting record highs under President Biden. remarkably unserious stuff.
Aaron Rupar (@aaron.rupar) on lmao -- Maria Bartiromo on Fox News just now gave Donald Trump credit for the stock market hitting record highs under President Biden. remarkably unserious stuff.
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
This should horrify every decent American. Remember they mean deporting millions of Dreamers, farmworkers, long-settled immigrants who have contributed to our nation for decades. Businesses will suffer and families would be separated from coast to coast. Our neighbors, our coworkers, our loved ones.
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
Could everyone please stop saying things can't get worse
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
If you live in New Jersey and care about these things, I highly recommend telling Governor Murphy you expect him to appoint Andy Kim, the elected D nominee, to replace Menendez in the Senate.
NEW: Sen Bob MENENDEZ is calling allies and telling them he intends to RESIGN, per NBC News
Office of the Governor | Contact Contact Us Form
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As smarter people than me have noted: these sweeps will also inevitably rip from their homes plenty of legal immigrants and bona fide American citizens who "look like they're illegal."
During a Heritage event this week, Homan said that “no one’s off the table.” He means Dreamers, farmworkers, construction workers, frontline workers, family separation from coast to coast. "If you’re in the country illegally, you better be looking over your shoulder,” he continued.
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The immigrants ruining America
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In other words, Vance believes rapists should have more choice than rape victims.
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For that matter, this would be a fantastic time for a certain political party to announce a particular labor leader is speaking in the spot of his choice at their convention
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So it seems like a LOT of teamsters are pretty fucking angry at Sean O'Brien today. Might be a good time for a homophonically-named labor leader to step up and make a big statement about that. Just a thought.
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Senior Trump sycophant Peter Navarro, arguably one of the most dishonest, when not being the most annoying, just got out of prison. Because there just aren’t enough Republican seditionists running around without a leash.
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yo, I wrote a thing: "don't be afraid to say it: Donald Trump is still a menace to democracy" — not one fucking thing has changed. thanks for reading, and please sign up for my daily newsletter to keep getting the good stuff —
don’t be afraid to say it: Donald Trump is still a menace to not one fucking thing has changed
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
They don’t call her Judge “Loose” Cannon for nothing. And the ruling she dropped on Monday proves why. What did she get wrong, and what happens next? Read more at the link in the comments.
How, pray tell, could anyone find fault with the dances of panders? I think they’re adorable.
Reposted byAvatar Laloofah
If you're looking for something that could recharge the Democratic campaign, being able to run against the Court is a great option on several levels. Let this be the beginning.
Still not quite it, but finally Biden embraces *some* concrete court reform. According to sources it will include an enforceable ethics code, term limits for justices and a possible constitutional amendment revoking the immunity decision. Court expansion not mentioned. (Gift link)
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.