
Yesterday, I shared this same Canada Day thread on Bluesky, Threads, and X. Here's what I found. 🧵
“Canada is such a northern country, don’t we want a little global warming?” I often hear. In a nutshell, NO. We’re warming 2x faster than the rest of the world, driving extreme heat, flood, and sea level rise we are not prepared for. The wildfire season started in Feb this year. Feb! #canadaday
Canada’s Changing Climate
Normalized responses -- the total number of likes and shares, divided by number of followers -- were highest here (yay!) and lowest on X.
There was an even bigger difference in the comments received. All on Threads and all but one here were positive, constructive, or neutral (one person was just being a jerk, not a troll). Only 18% on X were positive or neutral. The rest were negative, many highly so.
Since I had such a large sample (nearly a hundred), I analyzed X comments by category. 47% said climate wasn't changing, I was lying, ignorant, or not really a scientist 15% said I was in it for the $ 14% were insults Content warning: Please don't read the fine print if you're sensitive.
I already invite people on X to join us here weekly. But thanks to this analysis, I've decided to re-create my "scientists who do climate" list here this summer, and manually invite each of the 3,000 members on X to join us. If you're still on X, pls consider inviting your followers to join us too!
It's important to note that this single-post analysis above is entirely consistent with a much more comprehensive analysis by showing that changes in the X algorithm and moderation policies that began in Oct 2022 have massively favoured trolls and penalized climate scientists. See:
Musk is remaking Twitter into a climate denier I got some data that analyses how climate deniers have changed their audience size, relative to pro-climate accounts, on Musk's Twitter. It's....not good.
Edgelord whose fortune has depended on environmentalists goes all in on climate denial. I’m trying not to fall into a doom spiral but holy shit are a lot of things going to hell all at once.
we went to Lake Louise on our honeymoon in 1981; I've wondered about the condition of the glaciers that fed into the lake. You could touch them from the boats for rent there.
I hiked on the Franz Joseph glacier in NZ about 20 years ago. It has retreated by at least a kilometer since then.
I would imagine the same has occurred in Banff National Park as well
I keep thinking about how we went to the Columbia Ice Fields up there when I was a kid in the 80s and even then they had maps showing how far the glaciers were retreating. Related: the Crowsnest River ran dry this year.