Bob Smith

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Bob Smith

citizen of planet Earth, Star Wars fan, board game enthusiast, former Postie
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
For the people who don’t have time, here’s your Readers Digest version. You’re welcome.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Young women power at it's finest. Young lady won the National Welding Competition.
I do hope the Dems and independents who are criticizing Biden and say they won’t vote for him understand the irony. If the felon wins, they will no longer be able to openly criticize the president. It’s a clear choice come November.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Ok, now that the debate is over, can we get back to reminding everyone that one of the participants cannot run a business in the state of New York and is still a convicted felon? One bad night or 78 years of criming? Should not even be a choice.
Any article about the debate that doesn’t focus on debunking all the lies told by the felon and his avoidance of every question is a complete failure of the media.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
It’s so cool that cities are like “pweeease only turn your AC on if you’re actively dying and don’t go below 79 🥺🤘🏻💗” while the AI nobody asked for is slurping up the power grid to make 1 image of a girl with 5 tits
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Ohioans, today is a good day to check to see if you are still registered to vote in our state. And if you are not, or if you haven't registered yet, today is also a very good day to do so.
Ohio is purging its voter rolls before November See if you're on the list of more than 158,000 people.
Columbus Ohio pride parade. Estimated 20k participants and 500k supporters. Mile long party
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
When a uterus is more heavily regulated than a gun, that’s when you know it’s a war on women.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Federal law 18 USC 922(g) makes it illegal to own a gun - as a substance user - or as a convicted felon This was used to convict Hunter Biden. It also potentially applies to Donald Trump. Trump still reportedly owns a gun at Mar-a-Lago despite now being a convicted felon.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
It’s almost noon, why isn’t Steve bannon in jail yet?
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Pay attention people. Every seat in the house is up this election. Retiring or not, they all have to win in 2024. Never before has it been so urgent that we take back the house.
United States House of Representatives elections, Ballotpedia: The Encyclopedia of American Politics
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Georgia and national Republicans, in dire need of money, are furious Walker is sitting on more than $4 million in leftover campaign funds and seems to have no intention of using it to help the GOP or Donald Trump in the key battleground state in November.
Republicans irked that Herschel Walker is sitting on millions in unspent campaign They say his money could go a long way to help the GOP.
Reposted byAvatar Bob Smith
Y'all need to continue posting on It's still there like a grave yard. Please come back. If it dies then you can all settle in here, but until then come back. Sorry I just can't call any of the alternatives home.
Checking out the new site, for me, as Post is probably shutting down. Hope to re-establish the community from there and find a new home. Don’t post much, but enjoy reading others and all the great photos. #post #postrefugee
End of feed.