Lee Burton - Author | Editor

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Lee Burton - Author | Editor


ottur | edtur | Books is good.

Me places -> https://linktr.ee/leeburton.author
"I'll take 'Alternative Terms for Old School Autocorrect' For $100, Ken." 💙📚
All these sleek high-speed motorcycles speeding past my place makes me want to go back to school for engineering. Ideally so I can design some sorta laser-guided auto beanbag launcher to pin the next douchebag who squeals his crotch rocket next to my wife while she's out prettifying her flowers.
On nights when the tall tower at the mouth of the harbour cooks up the fog, it brays out with a loud horn to warn everyone.
I get frustrated waiting a year to hear back from book queries and move on, but lately I've been thinking I should do another round, including for "Burly Bush Man," my book about the seven years I spent tree planting and brushing in ON and BC. 💙📚 leeburton.ca/posts/how-no...
How (Not) to Shit in the Woods — LEE BURTON BOOKSleeburton.ca Excerpt from “Burly Bush Man,” my book about my time tree planting in Ontario and B.C.
“Fascism sucks up power left unattended” deserves to be carved over the entrances to grand public buildings
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
Tech bros aren't scam artists. They're scam *scientists*.
Anybody else with mild pollen allergies find one of the first symptoms, before any itching or sneezing, is loss of focus and easy irritability?
I don't even go there, and this is still the funniest shit
The speed at which YouTube starts recommending far right, openly anti-LGBT videos after watching anything video game related absolutely disturbing. No wonder there's a gender divide in political views. Social media is literally engineered to create it.
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
My alpha reader (long-time friend) told me he finished my latest book today and had notes. I do not have the mental fortitude to review them today, but I had to nudge him until he broadly told me it doesn't suck so I could have a normal day.
Best part of my day is when the security vehicle driving over to check out the two punks hackey-sacking in the far end of the parking lot pulled up and saw one of them had a mostly gray beard and just kept on driving.
If you're worried about brevity in your writing, don't. It took Project 2025 nine hundred pages to say fourteen words.
Hi, I'm Lee, an editor w/ 12 years experience - as evidenced by my old-ass website - & I need justification to buy more music from bands I've lately gotten into. So if you're an author looking for an experienced editor, hello, I'm looking to buy more darkwave records. 💙📚 www.oceansedgeediting.com
I was gonna apply for a thing but at best I can only provide like 3-4 mages. 💙📚👀
I forgot how in 2020 a knot unclenched in my mind and body that had been tight for the last five years. Now it's back again.
A difference between me and many of my friends is that most of my friends believe that manners and decorum mean that a person will not participate in fascism. Maybe it is the lesson that my bitter Jewish grandmother taught me, but I've always believed that aristocrats can push us into the ovens.
It is 630 AM. I am very tired. I am 85% sure my cat brought a mouse into our bedroom and is now stalking it among the things we store beneath our bed.
water stolen from the dog just tastes better
ZZ Top's videos are a trio of wizards who ride around in a red hot rod helping out working class folks who are being harassed by scummy arseholes.
Today my optometrist told me they were marking on my file that I had an "exceptional" reaction to the dilating eyedrops and next time they could use half as much. Guess who had to hang out in the bedroom with the blinds drawn for the next six hours.
Walking down the road today when I got yelled at by some ass in a car and suddenly I'm transplanted back 30 years to when I was a gawky teen... Which is amazing! I have so many things to put right that once went wrong. This is gonna change the world! Dumbholes yelling from cars finally have a use.
Ah, I love when I have to stop working because I can hear some jackhole on the street making my wife cry by parking his bike atop her flowers.
The last of my "Well, my old website is defuncting" posts: The time that, after subjecting innumerable clients to the Track Changes feature in Word, I turned it on for myself before I started editing my book. What resulted could light the room in a soft glow of red and blue. 💙📚👀 Gotta polish...
This is why mask bans are suddenly being proposed. If you’re in a place where that’s happening and you think we should prioritize public and personal health and freedom over expanding the powers of the police state then please do let your representatives know why the freedom to mask matters to you
Cops don’t like them; makes it harder to use surveillance footage and facial recognition to arrest people (especially at protests).
It's a "marked safe from pooping alone" / "WHY YOU STILL WORKING" cat friendo WFH sorta day.
Modern book promo - let's have the most reclusive people in the world each create something deeply personal and then make them pitch it to the world personally
Social media just isn't getting reliable clicks, on any platform. I'm on all of them and it's a mess.
This nighte be special for Canada. Tonight, we gather around the winners of The Contest for the goode of the nation. For Stanley our Lord, we shall ascend them with the pelting of the black rubber stones and ensure prosperity to come in The Harvest. #StanleyCup
Accepting bribes as a fiction editor to look the other way on typos and errors would be a great microtransaction business model that would maximize short-term author happiness and continued job security. #hmm