Leftist Renegade

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Leftist Renegade


Integrity & principles can't be purchased, politicians hate you, you're too poor to be a capitalist.
They're realizing that batshit crazy Trumpers don't have a monopoly on weapon ownership. Their gunfighter fantasies vaporize when the thought of rounds heading back their way comes into play. Wait until they find out how many real leftists (not cosplay progressives) have weapons & are combat vets.
These people, who supported trump through Jan 6th, rape convictions, family separation, Access Hollywood tape, etc etc would like you to believe they are now serious in calling for political decorum & unity. Meanwhile, on the other channel they're calling for the eradication of American "unhumans."
They're realizing that batshit crazy Trumpers don't have a monopoly on weapon ownership. Their gunfighter fantasies vaporize when the thought of rounds heading back their way comes into play. Wait until they find out how many real leftists (not cosplay progressives) have weapons & are combat vets.
Tom Cotton: Pussy. I'm sure he talked big fucking shit about his service driving a desk in Iraq. While real soldiers died for a lie and his own future prospects.
This is how you do it.
It's Trump's party now. Everyone be sure to thank Bill and Hillary properly for it.
The pre-Trump GOP has been memory-holed
You have willingly chosen the path of amorality, it will be you who will have to reckon with it. Don't be shocked when it shows back up on our shores. Who else are you willing to sacrifice? Gays? Blacks? Hispanics? Immigrants? Muslims? Atheists? But you'll be safe. Hopefully. IMHO, you're a coward.
Your assumption about my identity is correct, I do not have ancestors that I know of that have experienced genocide. Your assumption about my intentions flies in the face of what I posted. I clearly stated that I have every reason to believe Gaza will get far worse under Trump. 1/2
Genocide should be a non-starter for anyone with any morality and humanity. If you accept genocide of others under any circumstances, you are neither moral nor possessing one shred of humanity. Getting people like you to accept the genocide of one group trains you to accept it when it comes home.
In normal circumstances I'd absolutely agree with you, but when the other option is turning America into Nazi Germany 2.0 that starts with over 1,000 nuclear warheads and the most advanced military in the world and are already openly calling for violence? No, we can't let that happen.
Not to sound facetious, but when does Biden start acting like he wants to win?
Psst: Project 2025 is terrifying for a lot of reasons but also because on page 5 it calls for teachers and librarians who grant access to books that are maligned as pornography (which just means anything LGBTQ) to be registered as sex offenders. Pass it on.
If Trump is so much worse, an "existential threat" as we've been told ad nauseum, why is Biden and the rest of the Dems constantly sucking Trump's & the GOP's cocks?
It wasn't that he took our money. It isn't that he wasted people's time. My problem with him is that he stole people's hope. I can't forgive him for that. He could have changed the trajectory of American politics, but endorsed his good friend Joe, the blue fascist. He's fucking dead to me.
Maybe because the only time I have felt hopeful, even happy, in the last decade is when Sanders was running, I don't believe that about him. She might turn out to be all three; for me the jury is still out on her.
Simple answers, craven, unprincipled, spineless.
@aristophon.bsky.social What do you think?I've been wondering y AOC & Sanders are clinging 2 Biden like barnacles--although I read somewhere Sanders has always had a soft spot 4 Biden b/c he tried 2 tell him how to beat Hillary--but could it actually be a strategy? www.splinter.com/why-are-bern...
Why Are Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Backing Joe Biden?www.splinter.com Splinter is your home for news and opinions that challenge power in our political and economic system that's becoming more unhinged each and every day.
Elect a cop for mayor, get a stupid mayor. Elect a cop to office, get a stupid as fuck office holder. Every time.
Mayor Eric Adams, asked by a reporter about the lack of air conditioning at migrant shelters during a heat wave, says, "Every day New Yorkers don't have air conditioners. We make do." He recommends paper fans and says his mom told him to put his head in the refrigerator. —Emma G. Fitzsimmons, NYT
China is not our enemy. The warmongering ruling class is our enemy. No War But Class War!
Democrats are the parasitic ******-******* who pretend that a proposal that's designed to fail is a "small victory" b/c liberalism (in the modern United States) exists for the privileged to make common cause with the capital class in convincing the people to accept less from government.
Sounds like there may be some panic. Hence, a good & necessary proposal that's DOA. He shouldn't have fucked around for four years. Dems shouldn't have let him. So now we're subjected to theater that's worse than my daughter's 6th grade musical.
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court changeswww.washingtonpost.com The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
It's a good thing that I'm on vacation. Living only an hour from MKE, I might have been tempted to provoke some stupid fuckers at the convention. Two hours from Chicago, that could make things muy interesante.
The American carceral system has never been about rehabilitation. It, like every other system the average American is subject to, is all about cruelty and humiliation.
“This is what death by incarceration looks like. No matter how oppressive the conditions are in this hell, all you can do is endure… until you can’t” truthout.org/articles/i-w...
I Watched My Neighbor Die a Preventable Death Due to Scorching Heat in Prisontruthout.org Breathing was hard for all of us in the heat. I screamed for help when he collapsed but it didn’t come soon enough.
They're definitely not aware of Ernst Röhm
I dunno I don’t normally issue a death threat when someone asks if I read my source but I guess I’m not a blood thirsty Zionist
You do know that there are treatment options for delusion, don't you?
Yes. Yes, I do. Absolute legend.
Happy birthday to Assata Shakur. You WISH you could be as gangster as her.
I seem to remember the last few campaign cycles hearing shitlibs saying they don't need the left. Hey Democrats, how's that working out? What changed? Do you need us now? That fucking sucks for you. Get ready to find out, you smugnorant fucks.
Biden COLLAPSING in key Blue States. Genocide Joe is the iceberg to the USS Titanic. Keep supporting him, zealots.🤣
Capping off a perfect day after frolicking with nurse and lemon sharks. Everyone else was chickenshit, but I wasn't worried. Sharks know their own. But I'm a diver who's spent a lot of time with sharks.
Et Tu, Brutus?
These copycat incidents are getting out of hand: