
They really exist. And they look even goofier in real life than they do in photos.
When you’re that close, do the polygons finally start rendering?
You know, considering they've sold a total of 3,000 of those things, they certainly do seem to appear in public a lot more than that.
Fair, but: the biggest dork in the area usually doesn’t hide their light under a bushel.
There are almost 280M vehicles on the roads in the US right now. You have to admit, those are still pretty impressively outlier-level numbers.
I'm not sure where you live, but in the Seattle area we get a wildly outsized number of Teslas anyway, so I'd expect us to get too many cybertrucks.
I saw one on Camano Island last week yet another entry on my Island Bingo card (usually it's wildlife spottings, like the flock of domesticated turkeys gone wild, but the cybertruck was interesting in its own way)
The amount of unearned brand marketing they’re getting out of people trying to stunt on them (which: fair, they’re stupid and hideous and barely street legal) is really kind of horrifying.
I saw four different ones the other day. FOUR.
You can tell, because each one has its own individual pattern of rust by now.
I saw three today. And unless these turds can defy the laws of physics I saw three.
At least two haha, the wrapped one stuck out because it was marginally less ugly.
I mean, Mike's polygons rendered which is strange to me because in my mind he's a Minecraft block dude. (I am very tired and legit did a double-take of "that's not what he looks like... not block enough!")
Wait can golf balls even see polygons???