
bidets are the next stage in the historical material process of ass cleaning. live in butthole feudalism if you insist, but don’t get spiteful when fully automated luxury tuchus communism happens & you aren’t invited because you left your fartbox in the dark ages covered in shit & kleenex scraps.
goooooooooood morning campers and welcome to trash tuesday. just like a comet it’s here now and who knows when it’ll be back again so give it all you got show me those brain worms and let’s have some fun
I remodeled my house during COVID so my house is full of Japanese toilets, and one “gravity toilet” (my name for them) in case we lose power.
oh hell yes, did you buy the super deluxe toto toilets that are basically gundam suits for your butt?
I did in fact. The benefits of spending years traveling to Japan is I know what to get and what not to get. The seat almost heats the room.
so, uh, any model number recommendations?
Model is Toho Neorest 700H. There’s a control panel just out of frame to the left.
out on the town having the time of my life. there's a control panel just out of frame to the left.
This may be a stupid question, do you aim the rinse jet? I've always been worried about it missing and just shooting a jet of cold water up my back.
The one I’ve got, it aims itself, which is mildly horrifying. There’s a wand that extends when you push a button on the console.
That sounds impressive. That said, it also means some poor soul had to author targeting software for butts. Godspeed anonymous booty expert, you’ve done the world a service by making bidets accessible.
The one I have has a little toggle that you use to adjust the up/down angle and a knob to adjust stream power.
Longest wait I’ve had for a toilet in a long while.