
My feed for the past week has been full of two things: people complaining about Joe Biden, and people complaining about a bunch of inside baseball Bluesky drama. I haven’t felt the need to do a purge since getting On Here, but the second group is really making me question that.
I don’t care if someone is “a fed”. Your takes On Here are not actually all that interesting to the United States government. Was someone else a “sex predator”? Then you should block that person and… wait for it… get on with the life you have on this earth.
You people seemed interesting. Was I wrong about that and you’re all neck deep up your own ass? I mean, post about the things that seem important to you, but if this is what seems important to you, Jesus.
The number one reason I dislike joining new platforms is that unfortunate reminder that a lot of people are pretty ridiculous and I'd spent years effectively erasing such folks from my view. Then you gotta do that all over again and it's annoying.
While my flexibility is much improved since we saw each other last I’m still not able to get neck deep in my own ass. However my ass hairs are ticking the tops of my ears.
Yeah... Except that this last person was quite deep into certain communities, and I prefer to keep my communities sex predator free. That takes more than just blocking someone. Bluesky is more than just individual people, and that's why this happens.
You're aware that by complaining about this, you're not any better than the ones you are accusing of being up on their own asses, right?
So yeah, kicking out abusers out of my communities is quite important to me. Sorry I'm ruining the vibe for you 🙃
They've been gone for days now though, and people are still talking about it.
And then, to put my complaint into praxis, Mute Account.
if you follow me (i didnt check) youll see lots of bad drawings of pets and okay drawings of buildings and also stupid shit
I do now. This is exactly the type of deep content for which I’m here.
I refuse to invest in Bluesky drama until it's being introduced as evidence in a proper murder trial, like a normal healthy person.
A lot of it appears to have self-purged while I was still completely confused. That may have included people I would like not to have left, but with social media if I don’t notice for a while you’re gone, well…
Maybe. The folks in my feed have pivoted from talking about how they don’t like someone named Lauren to how they don’t like some presumably different person named Jake.
I don’t know who either of these people are and don’t care about them, so:
I am not seeing this! Yet! I consider this good I wonder if this Lauren is someone I used to follow on Twitter and I will not be investigating
Well, I said “yet” for a reason… 13 min ago?
I don’t know how but somehow I seem insulated almost entirely from the second thing and have no idea what it’s about. Maybe I blocked the right people early on? Right now my feed is basically cats and Biden talk, which is fine given current events.
Or just didn’t follow them. For me, these are people whose thoughts in the past have been of interest, and I’m doing a lot of unfollowing and/or muting right now because they have ceased to be. Now it’s all about someone named Jake and someone else named Lauren and I don’t know these people.
Man what did Jake at State Farm do
Denied coverage and killed a guy
This is the drama I want
Babe what's wrong, you've hardly glanced down at my banana peel cowboy boots
Unfortunately, it’s not just drama. It involves multiple users and in some cases actual physical abuse, stalking, and other bad behavior. Best to just mute the names if you really don’t want to know or be involved for the next few days or so.
I looked in your replies to see and had to put salt in my eyes because, while I’m sure it’s very real for them, I don’t need the Real Housewives of Bluesky in my life.
My brain too! That's it, you get a follow!
UPDATE: Derp, I forgot it was you, TAC!
*sniffles* am I so forgetable?
You're not! I just looked at the meme without looking at the profile!
Perhaps I need to swap my rabbit ears back to cat ears