Zach Lipton

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Zach Lipton

🌉🚌🚲 || San Francisco || Data infrastructure @COVID19Tracking alum || To stop the train in cases of emergency pull down the chain; penalty for improper use, five pounds (he/him)
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Reposted byAvatar Zach Lipton
Calling it now: oaf boy summer
really saying the quiet part out loud that these ghouls think it's exculpatory to claim they're solely doing this because it will make billionaires even richer and the effects on actual other human beings didn't enter into their calculus
Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
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Marc Andreessen and Ben Horowitz to every woman, LGBTQ+ person and immigrant who works in tech: you’re disposable if doing this makes us even more money
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I’m learning new slurs faster than I feel like I ought to be, this election season
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WSJ: okay enough with the hyperbole about how Trump will end American democracy Trump: anyway here’s my Vice President, who I picked specifically because he is willing to end American democracy
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Two headlines 3 minutes apart that really summarize everything that's happening *BIDEN TO ANNOUNCE PLAN TO CAP RENTS AT 5% NATIONWIDE: WAPO *TEAMSTERS CONSIDERS NO ENDORSEMENT OF BIDEN 2024 BID: REUTERS
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For anyone who cares about public transit accessibility, check out the latest essay I published by Jessica Murray: Backing Out of Congestion Pricing Hurts New Yorkers with Disabilities the Most
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popping in only to share this, the best email I've ever gotten, with you guys:
someday I will share the best email I've ever gotten with you guys, and you will get to be like... wow... that's the best email she could have gotten
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it's all i've been able to think about. it's actually fucking unbelievable that "yelling at jbouie isn't productive but the nyt is extremely transphobic and more cis people need to appreciate that" is a take that is catching me blocks and accusations of racism. all i've said is transmisogyny is bad!
definitely curious whether the NATO summit that just ended and the need to provide security for the gazillion world leaders that were in town for it had any impact on the resources that got sent to the rally
obviously not any kind of expert but isn't it secret service 101 to clear rooftops
ok I know Doug Mills is extraordinarily good at his job, but wow
I understand Trump says things that aren’t true but 1) there were shots fired, 2) people behind him were hit and 3) there is a Doug Mills photo showing what appears to be a projectile flying past him. His rallies don’t typically have protective glass in my experience. Occam suggests he was grazed.
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[peering intensely into the abyss with a tiny little flashlight trying to figure out how much deeper it just got]
C-SPAN has video
Someone appears to have exercised their 2nd amendment rights at the Trump rally. Regardless of the circumstances, this is gonna be very bad.
Shots Fired at Trump Rally, Former President
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Someone appears to have exercised their 2nd amendment rights at the Trump rally. Regardless of the circumstances, this is gonna be very bad.
Altman pretending he doesn't know about ELIZA back in 1966, a chatbot obviously less intelligent than a box of hammers whose creator remarked "I had not realized…that extremely short exposures to a relatively simple computer program could induce powerful delusional thinking in quite normal people"
lol so i talked to sam altman and arianna huffington about their proposed ai health coach venture (vaporware) and they couldn’t even tell me if it would be an app or not. so i ended up writing about how ai is a faith-based technology
AI Has Become a Technology of Sam Altman and Arianna Huffington told me that they believe generative AI can help millions of suffering people. I’m not so sure.
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"liberal" transphobia is dangerous because it creates a political consensus. no, it's not going to move a lot of median voters, but it creates a space for bipartisan anti-trans policies. i watched this happen in the uk.
it’s wild how much of the left’s anger on this site is devoted to the NYT. media criticism is good and healthy but anyone who really thinks a newspaper that’s read mostly by coastal elites is the main obstacle to progressive policy goals in america in the year 2024 is living in a bubble
starts off with “poor Donald, can’t even watch TV this week because it’s shark week” and goes all the way to reading Judge Kaplan’s words about how Trump is a rapist, with a cheering crowd behind him every step of the way
jesus, at minute 22 he starts digging in on trump and just absolutely gores him deep over and over again, people talk about trump as if he's the only one ever able to score any points, but biden's calling trump a criminal, a rapist, an idiot and a traitor to absolutely *ROARING* applause
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Musk is a monster. All the people who work on this system are monsters. The regulators who have just let it slide are monsters.
A Tesla in full-self driving mode hit my twin today. The driver was not aware, did not have his hands on the wheel, and did not brake. He hit this mother of 2 going 30 mph before blaming it on FSD getting confused by a train and driving off, as if that explained everything. So now, it's personal.
remember when the Times kept pumping out articles like "The Elusive Politics of Elon Musk" and "Critics Say Musk Has Revealed Himself as a Conservative. It’s Not So Simple." as if his politics were somehow unknowable?
love to both ask and answer the question in the same 4 word sentence
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Aside: the last question of the MOCA is “who is the President of the United States”. I’d love to know how Trump is answering that. If he says “me”, he shouldn’t clear. If he says “Biden”, he admits he’s living a lie. Anyway, just a thought.
imagine Trump’s response upon asked if he wishes he had done anything differently. or imagine him discussing arms control efforts or discussing the Russia-China partnership. seems vaguely relevant to the state of this election
An interesting question is why journalists don't see Donald Trump's command of the issues as relevant to the question of which candidate's mental acuity should be centered in media coverage of the campaign.
watching the video, the man's gait is far more normal than I would have expected for a dude with 104 snakes in his pants
A man, who was carrying a backpack, went through the “nothing to declare” line when crossing from Hong Kong into mainland China. A search revealed he was carrying contraband. In fact, 104 scaly pieces of contraband. That’s how many live snakes were in his pants, China Customs officials said.
Man caught trying to smuggle 104 live snakes — in his The man went through the “nothing to declare” line when crossing from Hong Kong into mainland China. A search found his pockets full of writhing, scaly contraband.
spent an embarrassingly long time wondering why there was no .puz file download for this before realizing
A Crossword Puzzle
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Semiphemeral helped tens of thousands of people delete tens of millions of tweets, likes, and DMs. Then Elon Musk ruined everything. I'm psyched to announce that I'm bringing it back! And it will help you reclaim your data from more than just X
Like a phoenix, Semiphemeral will rise from the Semiphemeral helped tens of thousands of people delete tens of millions of tweets, likes, and DMs. Then Elon Musk ruined everything. But don't worry, Semiphemeral is coming back! And it will help you ...