LW Lewis

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LW Lewis


Writer and former academic turned farmer. Still believe in people and liberation. From Almost Heaven. There’s so much life to be found in soil!
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"The post-debate analysis quickly devolved into a reality-show catfight...it is only exciting for people who won’t lose no matter who wins the White House. As for the rest of America, it has already lost." Another must-read Tressay www.nytimes.com/2024/07/06/o...
Opinion | Whoever the Democratic Candidate Is, Americans Have Already Lostwww.nytimes.com The American Republic feels fragile.
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I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
Reposted byAvatar LW Lewis
this is a new york city councilwoman. a republican, it should go without saying.
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Columbia AAUP chapter faculty statement, posted online by classics professor Joseph A. Howley and read aloud on WKCR: "Columbia faculty have spent the day offering our help to defuse the situation on Columbia’s campus and have been rebuffed or ignored."
Reposted byAvatar LW Lewis
Wild to remember how when students said they felt unsafe because of the presence of Milo Yabbadabbadoopoulos or somebody, the resounding reaction from the intelligentsia was “hahaha how can you ‘feel’ unsafe you little pussies”
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Reposted byAvatar LW Lewis
For Vice veterans worried about being able to keep access to their stories or get clips, I've got what I think may be a nearly complete index and links to some Internet Archive/Wayback Machine archives of the stories. Please share with anyone who can use it. rebrand.ly/vice-archives
Reposted byAvatar LW Lewis
In the GOOD NEWS department: The Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY is going tuition-free. www.axios.com/2024/0...
Rescue pup photos. Her eyes are what got me. And she sleeps so peacefully.
Reposted byAvatar LW Lewis
Occasional reminder that while elites obsess about whether Claudine Gay should still be president of Harvard, Gordon Gee is destroying public higher education in West Virginia yet remains president of WVU. Where is the investigation into Gordon Gee and the boards of trustees that keep hiring him?
Reposted byAvatar LW Lewis
Thank you to Charlotte Rosen and @publicbooks.bsky.social for publishing a section from my Translator's Note for the Iliad. If you're curious about my approach, please check it out! www.publicbooks.org/i-began-with...
“I Began With Sound”www.publicbooks.org "My task was to make this ancient poem about death feel vividly, unarguably alive."
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On Twitter we started a movement of people planting chestnut trees in their yards to distribute and create a new foundation for climate resilience. Now we are on Blue Sky Re-Post to show your commitment to helping get a few million mixed-species edible chestnuts in temperate residential landscapes.
remember back when i grew 10,000 baby chestnuts in my tiny back yard? 2020 youtu.be/M-K1ADK3CCs?...
Removing the second greenhouseyoutu.be
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