
this is a new york city councilwoman. a republican, it should go without saying.
This is literally Melissa McCarthy's Sean Spicer impression, except a Facebook post.
Kill the students, kill the faculty, burn it all to the ground. Yeah, Hamas are the crazy fucks.
Is this the literature she’s referring to?
NYPD dep. commish says he “found a book on terrorism” at Columbia. From the Oxford UP website, the book answers the questions, “What is terrorism? Is it war? Is democracy especially vulnerable to terrorist attacks? What can we do to stop it?” This is how you seed a genocide-justifying moral panic.
Stay tuned tomorrow, as Vickie pivots to saying that the student protestors were conducting satanic rituals that would give rise to monsters.
People who talk about satanic rituals or satanism should be automatically sent to the psychiatric wards because they are clearly mentally unwell, alongside the people insisting that protestors need to be killed. The ven diagram of the two groups will most likely be a circle.
Wut? Some of the protesters are Satanists. Sooo... protesters AND anti-protesters are mentally ill? Make it make sense.
I can't tell why you are being obtuse on purpose here and frankly, I genuinely don't care. You are very, very aware what Christians mean when they say satanists and what satanism is. Why are you pretending that those two things have anything in common? Ffs.
The irony of you calling me "obtuse" is hysterical. How could you possibly know what ALL Christians mean by Satanism? And you do realize you're talking to a Satanist, right?
allow me to explain like i'm speaking to a third grader = i'm not articulate/accurate/honest enough to speak to anyone older
This is how all this is making me feel
None of the 3 monsters she lists were in her original tweet. She denigrates her critical, but it's impossible to infer anything in her list from her tweet. It directly reads as a slaughter of people. Her refusal to admit mistake, if it was a mistake, speaks to her close minded outlook.
She should clarify for the obtuse would-be school shooters too
What an a-hole. Weird how she didn't include a single example of this "literature."
what, and I cannot stress this enough, the absolute fuck
"Slay them ..."? That's certainly saying the quiet part out loud.
Is the problem the students or the outside agitators? Both! Neither!
Schrodinger's outside agitator
Councilwoman calls for mass murder of professors and students and absolutely none of her colleagues will denounce her.
just another reason why it is so impossible to call out their hypocrisies marisa they will just keep moving the goal posts without shame
yup…impossible to catch them. they’re a plague.
Except the plague was so easy to catch
No shame is kind of their scary super power. ‘Handjob at a theater’, ‘witness actually a Russian asset’, ‘no basement at the pizza parlor’… I’d crawl away and die but they just keep popping back up. That’s some serious Terminator type shit.
Is she saying that she wants educational institutions to not teach anything but that which results in compliance? I mean, I’d say that proportion of arrests being students is more indicative of problems with the police than universities. But hey, what do I know? I’m just a university lecturer.
I mean that's always been the goal of the more conservative elements. Schools exist to produce "good, productive citizens" to that crowd.
I mean, what she is saying, actively and clearly, is that the recipients of that education should be killed. Way more extreme than just the usual anti-intellectualism.
Very much "education... But not like that!"
Calling human beings who disagree with you monsters and asking for them to be literally killed and the institutions that support their right to exist destroyed. What could go wrong
They were quick on the Wikipedia edit.
Guessing it was a college student who took it personal.
It’s funny you and I both posted the same woman's post at the same time lol.
Yeah not great that this is the route. They’re starting to pivot too because this is pretty much is open as you get before people start getting killed.
the utter shamelessness of “ok so the narrative was wrong but kill them anyway”
Yeah. It's shocking even as someone who has waded these waters a long time.
Starting to suspect the narrative is just a means to an end!
It’s a win win for them, they would probably prefer it’s mostly students- then they can continue demonizing colleges and professors. They ignore that there are conservative options, and plenty of state schools that aren’t protesting, bc that would acknowledge a range of options
A politician referring to protesting students as "monsters" is such an absurd level of hyperbole that I can't help but wonder if she is intentionally trying to instigate violence by dehumanizing them.
She’s not being hyperbolic (for her), AND she’s trying to get someone killed.
she said "slay" she is literally, in text, calling for the deaths of her constituents because they don't support Israel's genocide
Yeah the only thing I’ve said is they should go home and spare their university president since that’s clearly been the target (she is Arab… and from Egypt. It does feel pretty purposeful) And also themselves and that I disagree with blocking doors and don’t argue with cops, save your life.
Like… my disagreement is cause I see actions that might get someone killed and I DONT want that to happen or for there to be legal justification for them getting away with it. Got called a bad person several times over giving a shit the wrong way.
(Also my local destroyed the library on campus and smashed all the computers in it and I am legitimately pissed enough at them that I think the cops were rightfully called at that point. Fucking hell…. Why make shit worse for poor students you fuckwits! It’s like don’t destroy bus stops praxis)
"we are ITCHING for another Kent State." - Translation Services by Bird
Hope someone slays the monster that she is.
Slay them. Was she being sassy or murderous?
Republican, so, murderous