
PSA: there are many ways to reduce the impact of diet! it’s not “go vegan or nothing” one thing I do: meal kit box research sez the impact of meal kit packaging is far outweighed by the reductions in food waste they drive hmu if you want a free Blue Apron box, I got a few to give away
Hey, happy Friday, the way we produce & consume food has a huge bearing on biodiversity loss, climate change, water use & pollution, and terrestrial & marine ecosystem degradation, the good news is big changes to food production and consumption could make huge improvements across all of those areas!
I’ve started doing Hungryroot plus a small CSA box and I’m thrilled. Also I feel better because less processed food.
I love a CSA so much, but it always turns into the vegetable hospice for me 💀😂 I need, like, a 1/5 CSA box lol
I've never even tried a CSA bc I know my options would be unacceptable food waste or having to eat too many meals I'm not excited about. I'm fine abt cobbling together something when needed, but a CSA would force me to cobble 3-4X a week.
The only way it works for me is that I work at a church and can give stuff away very easily.
Yeah, if I were a bit more intertwined with neighbors, I could see keeping the 60% or whatever that I really want and dispersing the rest. But it wouldn't *quite* work.
So true. I split the small box with my downstairs neighbor and I STILL have to give away the kale.
unpopular opinion: kale isn’t food actually
IME you can make kale delightful with the addition of enough fat. Saag paneer with 50/50 kale and spinach is pretty solid.
100% spinach is RIGHT THERE
It's very hard to hide if you have anyone in your family sensitive to bitter tastes. We like brussel sprouts and I can hide spinach in a lot but kale is harder
IMO kale tastes so much better cooked. Chop it fine and add it to the last minute or two of a wok dish and it's delicious.
I could do a meal kit boxes for the next 40 years and it would still not compare to the ecological damage that a single corporation does in a month. Individual solutions are good to know, but they aren’t gonna hold back the tide.
Consumers account for the largest amount of food waste. Learn more at
And let’s step beyond just consumable food waste and involve the entire carbon footprint of the entire capitalist agricultural and ranching systems. A thing that generates more waste per day than a single consumer will generate in years.
I feel like every time I say anything about stuff regular people can do, I get heat from people being like “why don’t you care about doing big policy on the big guys” and like I get that we are in a context flattening machine, but also I am reliably hollering about doing a big policy
I can confirm that Lissa spends way more time actively fighting for the big system change climate policies than 99.999% of the people on this website
thank u Ketan, I’m out here with my little spoon moving sand and I appreciates you
Yeah, and in local and regional politics. The climate stuff is often more hard core than just information production in that way. All good work is appreciated!
Individual actions also let others know about shared values. Riding a bike to work & chatting with coworkers about it = they are probably more likely to lobby alongside you for a protected bike lane.
all the old dudes around here hate Teslas and Priuses, and they holler “nice bike” at me as I zip past on my way to the grocery store 😝
Social media is a machine for stripping statements of contexts.
Because even if every individual did everything perfect, it wouldn’t make a dent compared to what those corpos do, and framing it as an individual solution is the same argument the corpos use to dismiss taking larger actions against them.
we need regular people, industry decision makers, and electeds to be willing to get on board with solutions at all levels if corps change their tactics but people aren’t willing to - for example - swap out their heating systems (ideally with a lot of $ help!), we are not gonna stop fuel-burning
But when it comes to food waste, consumers are wasting 18% more then agricultural and commercial manufacturing combined. Thats significant. How can you demand action if you are not willing to take any action yourself?
I think you are missing the point as to just how much of an impact consumers have. They create the demand for this. If there was not as much demand the impact at the agricultural level would decrease as well.Resources wasted to produce all the food wasted is astronomical because people demand it
This is why I love growing my own produce in the summer. We rarely buy veggies. And anything we happen to not eat gets composted None of the food travels anywhere either so no fuel use
LAMO!!!! I worked at a grocery store. The amount of food waste a single store produces is more than my entire apartment complex. And that’s not even counting all the food that gets dumped in a hole because it’s not profitable to bring to market.
well then the volume of all the food waste of every single household that shops at that grocery store must truly be a sight to behold, if you put it all in one place it is possible to work on both ends of the problem
Also, data like the data in that ReFED screenshot is good because it helps identify the biggest problem spots and from there inform solutions
"I was a bagger I know more than those experts with their math and science!" You are a caricature of a proudly ignorant internet rando
Retail accounts for 5 million tons, residential consumer waste is at 42.8 million tons.
There is roughly just over 8 million tons waste after harvest that is inedible or not marketable. I think you are standing n the mountain yelling down at the little guys on the hills here.
Ah yes, corporations, those entities that are like Captain Planet villains producing pollution for the evil joy of it and not because people purchase products they produce. Learn the GHG accounting Scopes 1-3 ya rube
to be fair: the big ones are riddled with evil (says the bum who once started a deeply unprofitable S corp, lol)
Evil, yes many are. But they don't just pollute for the fun of it. Too many people read headlines about the Carbon Majors study instead of the footnotes explaining all this.
me to people hollering at me that we should do a revolution whenever I talk about stuff people can do: so, uh, how are we heating our houses after the revolution? cool if I go ahead and start working on that now?
I have yet to see any of the people calling for revolution accomplish anything. Wonks, engineers, people who create are the ones who make real change.
Hm... Youve got sauce for this claim? I'd love to see the numbers on that
This is pleasant and surprising to hear! There have been so many articles discussing both the environmental positives and negatives of them, and it’s nice to hear someone say something positive about them outside of a journalistic sphere.
I like that Blue Apron has ice packs that can go down the drain! the weight of those things is not trivial and that’s most of the packaging impact ymmv but I throw away a lot less food now, ADHD is a real bitch in the “keeping track of what’s in the fridge” department
THIS! I don't do meal kits, but some prepackaged/cut food (like apples) - I'll actually remember and EAT them vs "I'll cut those up later..."
I need to put a whiteboard on the fridge so I can keep track of produce. Will I actually use the whiteboard? Maybe!