The Mediocre Key of Solomon

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The Mediocre Key of Solomon

Happy Pride!

Witch, poet, crafter, queer, elder millenial, etc, etc. Just so you know what you're getting into.

☕️🐈‍⬛🐕Liz, Damnit🌲🪻🌿
I think everybody who owns a dog, should allow them to go out after July 4th and bark exceedingly for 2 solid weeks, non-stop, from 8 in the morning until midnight as payback.
This is, at once, why I no longer wish to teach and have a burning desire to teach again.
Well this is grim
And a hearty fuck you to whoever is still off fireworks *tonight*. After 9pm. Just a barrage of them.
Heck this humidity. We're going to the Chinese buffet.
In my gazebo with the elder one. It's too humid in the NE to walk him proper, but I want him to have the time outside #oldmandog
This but unironically.
I've decided that this afternoon I'm going to purge my craft supplies again. I have a grand plan to relocate the craft desk into a (large) closet. Less stuff and less floor space around the desk means I clean up more. And use it more.
I saw the best IRL straight men of my generation destroyed by penised lesbians, starving hysterical naked...
Sorry wouldn’t normally put her on the timeline but this might be the most insane thing j k rowlings ever written
Yo look at this bug on the side of my house. Size of a thumbnail.
I and my shihtzu mix are notoriously Bad At Summer. But we are chilling on the patio area now and it's so nice. I should get him a little doggy cabana.
important/ overlooked I see a LOT of ageism on here Yes, I am old. So will all of us be, with luck.
"The 'generation gap' is an important social tool for any repressive society. If younger members of a community view older members as contemptible or suspect or excess, they will never be able to join hands and examine the living memory of the community, nor ask the question, 'Why?'" 1/2 Audre Lorde
Sister Outsider: Essays and The fourteen essays and speeches collected in this work, several of them published for the first time, span almost a decade of this Black lesbian feminnist's work.
Still thinking about that post I re-biscuited yesterday about the app that simplifies works of literature. It's nothing new, but what really pisses me off is that Cliff's notes, For Dummies, hell, even Readers Digest were written by PAID PROFESSIONALS. This is a glorified Grammarly.
Or...bear with me....we could pay trained professionals to make literature come alive. *clears throat in English major*
I can’t think of a clever caption for this. It just breaks my fucking heart.
Bringing back this 2016 banger: Hi! During the upheaval of your glorious revolution, I need to know what kind of healthcare you'll have in place. People who depend on steady supplies of lifesaving medication don't suddenly stop existing during a revolution.
Baxter says good morning and that he is The Most Interesting Cat in The World.
Been banging pots and pans about this for years. We are only just barely learning how much Shrub's cronies fucked our ed system, k-college. This is why "kids these days can't XYZ." It's not the phones, the reels, the stupid trends. It's ratfucking.
One of my pet gripes is that we don’t broadly appreciate how badly GWB’s No Child Left Behind law absolutely gutted civics education in America because it tied draconian “accountability” penalties exclusively to math and reading scores (1/)
Doing brief art brag... but showing off some style range
There must be increased barometric pressure today. I don't have a headache but I def feel off. Also, petition to change barometric to barametric in celebration of the bear community. <3
Yes, please help our daughter get more treats! Miss Tika is clearly in need.
Help the get Tika treats initiative
oh shit. hell yeah. Reposting this to remind me later.
If you're a fan of REALLY WEIRD MUSIC, nerds, women, neurodivergence, rebelliously independent spirits, or triumphing over historical erasure, I highly recommend Lisa Rovner's "Sisters with Transistors" doc on female electronic music pioneers, now on Amazon Prime. [Daphne Oram in her DIY rig]
What could I plant to attract this majestic creature? Hmmmm...
📸Ben Slyngstad
I sure love getting restless leg on the train. Thank goodness the car is almost empty and I don't have to worry about kicking anyone or looking weird.