L Faunt (they/them) aka Alfred Glitchcock

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L Faunt (they/them) aka Alfred Glitchcock


Performing and visual artist, part of MMIX Art, writer, sexy alien robot, salty Xennial


I love when my older Gen X friends get hacked by crypto mining schemes cause it's not obvious or anything
The internet seems to be reaching for new unintelligent/troll levels this week
A LOT of folks in my mentions now listing animals and monsters asking me if they're OK to compare to a Jewish person and for the love of god y'all. Making fun of our faces and bodies is classic antisemitism. This man has done enough specific evil surely you can find other ways to criticize him?
Now to the important stuff: What happened to Kairi? I feel like there was a big Bsky drama that I missed.
Now to the important stuff: What happened to Kairi? I feel like there was a big Bsky drama that I missed.
Look, this is not to downplay racism in any way, but could you fuckos close your mouths for two seconds? Thanks. We insisted Obama was going to be assassinated in office and he wasn't. What if there was a solution, what if it was doable. This isn't X. Shut up, stop whining and don't reply to bots.
They’re already doing the birtherism again. Lol
Howdy #BlueskyNightMarket #bsnm ! Me & @llfaunt.bsky.social make glitchy art as MMIX, engaging w natural subjects & juxtaposing them w digital distortion. The most recent piece added here was a runaway puppo we rescued from traffic. You can support us: www.patreon.com/mmix mmix-art.myshopify.com
"I'm white, but not like 'neglect caregiving my elders' white."
I mean I've already seen some of the people resharing this parroting violent antisemitism including praising rapists/kidnappers so...y'all might be the ordinary Germans. You treat us like garbage, threaten us, blame us, revile us socially if we don't conform to your litmus tests, blame WWII on the
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
💀 💁🏻‍♀️💕
I don't know enough about this to have a giant opinion, just sharing, but Khameini can still go take a stroll into traffic. I know a lot of people abstained from voting.
I hope this guy actually works for the people of Iran, and that his desire to end the country's "isolation" doesn't mean giving the regime's endless crimes a Saudi-style whitewashing to attract foreign capital.
Iran election: Reformer Masoud Pezeshkian elected new presidentwww.bbc.com The former heart surgeon has beaten his hardline conservative rival Saeed Jalili.
Hey baby, are you today's weather report? Cause you are DANGEROUSLY HOT.
I had a very interesting and complex conversation with my mom last night that I actually took audio recording of. I would consider it to be like a "primary and a half" source. /x
I've pretty much been yelling about this since we started "canceling" (not fucking really" cis dudes and even some prominent women. Guess who gets punished in a long-lasting way.
#Metoo ruined lives: the women’s. For the summer issue of Bookforum, I wrote about Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir “One Way Back,” the aftermath of disclosure, and what it means to be a public survivor when storytelling has proven futile. www.bookforum.com/culture/disp...
Disposable Heroeswww.bookforum.com Christine Blasey Ford’s memoir captures the hazards of “coming forward” – Moira Donegan
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
Lowkey since covid and highkey since October 2023 I've looked at the information that people around me have willingness to believe because it confirmation biases them & I'm realizing that regardless of education level people are too tired to have media literacy or 2 sift through most info critically
Hey remember when the Illuminati would email you?
I saw this was trending and had to google it "The post alleges that Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee for this year's presidential election, "forced" young girls to "perform lesbian sex acts."
Donald Trump, Katie Johnson allegations: Everything we knowwww.newsweek.com Allegations from a lawsuit that was dismissed in 2016 are circulating on social media.
I'm so ambitious but lazy. I'm always like "hey does anyone know Serj Tankian personally so we can get our art up in his café " but then don't know how to handle the referral after that.
Hooooot take but what if both of those chodes dropped out of the race lol
All the people with bugs up their butt about Dr. Dementia maybe dropping out of the presidential race are cracking me up. Oh yes, we absolutely love Trump and want him to win, thus we'd never suggest he drop out. Secret MAGAs, right here!
Finally watching (sexy) Oppenheimer : "I have become Death, destroyer of YOUR PUSSY."