Luca Salami

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Luca Salami

I make a da shitpost.
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Cops want Cybertrucks. They serve no practical purpose and are an irresponsibly expensive misuse of taxpayer funds that have sacrificed much more beneficial public services…but cops don’t care about the communities they serve.
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Tonight is definitely the night to watch "I saw the TV Glow" I think.
Trying not to block too agressively over this annoying shit. But if I go to an account and the only posts are hostile replies and no other content, you provide nothing for me on this website. No entertainment, no interesting discourse, easiest blocks.
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Apparently if you are a disabled Palestinian mauled to death by an IDF canine unit the BBC will call it a "lonely death" instead of saying the truth, which is that you were murdered.
Oh, so now being a legitimate buisnessman from New Jersey is crime. I thought this was America.
Jury finds Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez guilty on all counts — including bribery, extortion and wire fraud — in federal corruption trial
Democratic Sen. Bob Menendez found guilty in federal corruption trial | CNN A jury has found Sen. Bob Menendez guilty on all counts in his federal corruption trial.
Who knew Jack Black was such a coward.
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This remains burned in my mind of someone trying to own up to something shitty they've done in the past and making it seem like they're a god damned monster.
one of the funniest videos of all time honestly. his friend goes on an entire face journey
Maybe just ban the worst harrassment accounts from twitter that ended up here, just a thought. Like same people using the same names.
Okay but why are these 6 trolls still on this website.
Yeah, it’s not good. The individual harassment is awful but it’s hurting the entire place. Block these people on sight.
Someone can sneak some firecrackers into the RNC and make history
I keep thinking about putting a traumatized nearly 80 year old on a stage just a few days after that trauma. Probably the showman instincts--living in the brainstem through deep habit--will carry him through, but maybe not. Popped balloons or camera flashes offer lots of possible triggers
Victims of gun violence solidarity.
CNN reporting that 50 Cent may make an appearance during the Republican National Convention
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This is a busy week for us so I can’t say anything about timeline, but we are going to prioritize notification filtering. Work has already started
Large swaths of the US is just living in Madmax times. Always catches me by surprise when basic human needs are an option for some reason.
Reposted byAvatar Luca Salami
The last page of Judge Cannon's dismissal is just a list of cool RV features?
Kind of sucks how many accounts that have participated in the various harrassment campaigns over the weekend like haven't posted shit here in 6 months, then also claimed a victory lap for taking back the platform. Mfers didn't even go here.
Went for lunch at a local Irish pub not realizing the soccer was on today, place went absolutely wild when Spain won.
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Some of y'all are way too fucking dramatic about being blocked.
This is a beautiful country.
just watched a presser with Milwaukee cops explaining that Wisconsin is an open carry state so they can't do anything about it if somebody's walking around the soft perimeter with an AR
Reposted byAvatar Luca Salami
It was Steamboat Willy from the Texas Book Suppository you fools. stop spreading misinformation.
See, and while the M4A1-S is find for locking down side sites the pros use an AWP for mid.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Law enforcement recovered AR-style rifle at scene of Trump rally shooting, AP source says.
If my 15 year veteran badge in CS:GO has taught me anything, the s....
Yeah guys the correct tone is memes.
Seriously, please stop this shit
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jodie foster remains unimpressed