Hans Hassell

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Hans Hassell


PoliSci @ FSU
I'm trying to be kinder
I miss Maine
How in the world is anyone productive right now with baseball, the Olympic trials, Copa America, the Euros and the Tour de France going on all at the same time?
Any research out there on the correlation between expressing ambition (i.e., survey responses) and actual ambition (i.e., observational of actually running for public office)? Might there be differences in attrition rates (i.e., those who express ambition but don't run) across groups?
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Stigma is so important to fully understanding the mental health crisis among young people (and the gender gaps there, too). Interesting experiment asking liberals and conservatives about their mood as a proxy for mental health: sites.tufts.edu/cooperativee...
Do conservatives really have better mental health? Perhaps not. – Cooperative Election Study Blogsites.tufts.edu
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Reposted byAvatar Hans Hassell
Wrote a quick piece on the Israel Support Assistance Act, going on the House floor this week. A short bill, but lots of political and policy lessons. open.substack.com/pub/mattglas...
Really good overview of Limitation Riders and Congress's power of the purse here in the context of the Israel Support Assistance Act open.substack.com/pub/mattglas...
Short bill, lots of lessonsopen.substack.com Lots to learn about power and politics in a simple House bill this week
Lots of folks dealing with recovery here. We're fine and untouched though. www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2...
Reposted byAvatar Hans Hassell
After declining 2 reviews this morning and finishing one yesterday, I only have 4 on my desk to do. Until this year, I had not declined a review invitation (unless it was the journal was single blind or was open access without a way to mitigate fees for those w/o research budgets).
APSR: "We encourage individuals who identify errors to do so with some generosity of spirit, those correcting them to do so with openness and little defensiveness, and those reading corrections to view them as strengthening our common mission." www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
Notes from the Editors: Post-Publication Critiques | American Political Science Review | Cambridge Corewww.cambridge.org Notes from the Editors: Post-Publication Critiques - Volume 118 Issue 2
VO Key was wrong. As were others The adoption of the direct primary doesn't seem to have anything to do with one-party states wanting to maintain one-party dominance. journals.sagepub.com/eprint/KFAD2... Out today at Political Research Quarterly
The abstract has changed slightly, but everything else is still true.
Despite other works suggesting gun violence increases votes for Democrats, after correcting for improper model specification, gun violence shows little evidence of increasing Democratic vote share, finds @hjghassell.bsky.social @johnholbein1.bsky.social doi.org/10.1017/S000...
Reposted byAvatar Hans Hassell
Reposted byAvatar Hans Hassell
Check out my latest with the great Hans Hassell out in the APSR today!
How to explain different findings on the effects of gun violence? It's because work finding large effects on vote doesn't account for parallel trends violations. Once corrected, shootings show little evidence of sparking large electoral change Now out at APSR www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
How to explain different findings on the effects of gun violence? It's because work finding large effects on vote doesn't account for parallel trends violations. Once corrected, shootings show little evidence of sparking large electoral change Now out at APSR www.cambridge.org/core/journal...
Ok, admit it. How many of you were tempted to just grab an extra "past president" name tag at #MPSA2024?
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Reposted byAvatar Hans Hassell
For #polisky Good new article in JoD by @kopalo.bsky.social on the re-emergence of military rule on the African continent He argues its largely due a failure of democratic institutions My research supports this -- weak parties open the door to more military rule muse.jhu.edu/pub/1/articl...
Project MUSE - The Truth About Africa's Coupsmuse.jhu.edu
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Autobiography: Fire (Suttee), by Howardena Pindell, 1986–87, 📸 by @brilewerke.bsky.social
So you want to be a dictator....
You have likely heard of the “dictator’s dilemma,” in which repression reduces knowledge of discontent and thus loosens an autocrat’s hold on power. But is the dilemma real? And what do dictators do to ease it? We have an answer. osf.io/preprints/so...
As a co-author, I totally approve.
Going to see how my co-authors feel about this framing for our midwest paper.
. @kwcollins.bsky.social you missed the really good title chance of "Texts as data" Cool paper on surveying via text.
New in @jssam.bsky.social: "Supplementing a Paper Questionnaire with Web and Two-way Short Message Service (SMS) Surveys" academic.oup.com/jssam/advanc... Spoiler: it's a good idea
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. 1 Corinthians 15:22 Happy Easter
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Polisky folks going to MPSA!! Some other grad students and I are putting together a happy hour for folks interested in doing democratic backsliding work. 5pm on Friday at Boleo (122 W Monroe) — before the mentoring reception. All subfields are welcome. See you there!