
There are around 50 million children age 6-17 in this country. I'm not particularly good at math but does a couple hundred surgeries and maybe a few thousand kids on hormone therapy a year strike you as a particularly large percentage of 50 million?
I know, let’s allow politicians and the church to decide what is a valid medical treatment for everyone. How can that go wrong? /s
The advantage of the small numbers for them is they can say things like, look at this huge percentage rise, ignoring it is just a small rise in actual people. We are about 0.3% of population so by any metric a minority. What is true is trans health care is 98%+ positive for trans people.
Even detransitioners will often retransition later as their life circumstances improve. The 6-17 year range is also performative and intentional as they know most surgery & HRT will be at 16 in most countries but starting their range at 6 hints at
things that just don't happen at those ages. It's just throwing mud, only as it involves kids they know enough will stick. Here in the uk trans kid suicides have gone from 1 in 7 years to 16 in the last three since we all but stopped trans health care for kids.
One of the things the right has going for it is that most people don’t really imagine that there are many more than 400 people in their town and not much more than 25,000 people in the world. They know there are more, but can’t really visualize it or comprehend it.
“A few thousand kids on hormone therapy?! That’s most kids!”
The right-wing base is unintelligent in a very specific way - they refuse to accept that there are tons of extreme biases and limitations in human perception & consciousness, let alone attempt to compensate for them. They will not accept that humans are animals with meat minds.
All the better to moral panic with, as most folks won't know any real people in these categories.
I wonder how many of those 56 were intersex, basically born with both a vagina and penis
Probably zero, intersex kids usually have nonconsensual genital surgery as infants or toddlers, not in their teens, and don’t get counted as trans health care