
In an interview on Fox just now, Trump doubled down on saying immigrants are “poisoning the blood” of the country. The interviewer asked why he used language like that and “vermin,” which echoes Hitler’s and Mussolini’s, and he replied, “Because our country is being poisoned.”
Sounds caustic! And discursive!
If there is one term that properly applies to the things that come out of Donald Trump's mouth it is of course "discourse", he is practically a new Cicero
Ok, I finally looked at definitions but I still don’t see what discursive means in context (not reading whole article though)
Does anyone ever ask him what he means by saying “poisoning the blood”? Keep digging and asking follow-up questions on these terms. See if he even knows what he means.
I mean, you could try, but 99% of the time you’d just get bragging and word salad that he’ll then claim means he’s winning. Why care what he has to say at all? It’s not like the words that come out of his mouth have anything to do with the policies he passes!
Good points but I really would like to hear the interviewers try anyway. Even if his answers are a jumbled mess, at least try to hold him accountable for what he says. Get it on the record.
He knows exactly what he's saying. Ivana did say the only book on his nightstand was Hitlers.
Ok, then have him explain it. Get it on record.
Yeah, in my fantasies someone can pin him down. But they can't, no one can - he just rants and rambles and doesn't make a lot of sense, it's just a sewer of petty grievance and ignorance and pitiful whining. His followers love it because that's what they feel, they don't care what he actually says
the fascist is not beholden to reason or good faith and his first love is hate
He’s going to get people killed and blame it on them.
This coverage belongs ahead of (not below) coverage of conservatives experiencing moderation on social media and whining to SCOTUS about it.
Trump should reconsider, as he is not an American Native. He is what he calls the immigrants. He is poisoning this country with his presence. And so is every white person who didn't get approval of the Natives to be here. Me included.
*raises a brow in indigenous* he can keep that blood quantum bs. We learned what inbreeding does!
He's going to keep saying it until we're numb.
Bannon did proclaim that he is a Christian Nationalist. Aka proud nazi