
me: idk what to do while sick youtube: do you want to watch an hour long professionally animated deep dive into explaining what makes the lockheed sr-71 blackbird so cool me: wellllllllll shucks i reckon i could be inclined
like dude how'd they do all that shit without CAD? that's so fucking cool
me looking at any plane designed before the 90s but especially any fucked up shit lockheed made, concorde, and/or any 747 model
I swear I love the SR-71 so much and it's only made cooler because they made it in a cave with a box of scraps. I really need to get my shop open so I can post up tribute items, retvrn to the wireframe blackbird apparel. concorde would be lovely as well
I have a soft spot for it as well. My family is big into aviation, and we went to see the “Bye Bye Blackbird” exhibit when they finally completely phased it out. Planes were a big thing for us. I even went to aviation camp! But that got REALLY militaristic really fast 😬
yeaaaah doesn't surprise me it got so militaristic. this is the problem with liking planes and i think it's a big part of why i liked miyazaki's "the wind rises" so much because he aimed to explore that contradiction
Yeah, I was super young and thought it would be more like commercial and small plane piloting. But it was on a military base and we had speakers coming in saying “ask yourself if you’re going to be ok with knowing you’ve killed civilians” and I was like NOPE CAN’T DO THAT
Yeah, that’s quite a thing to hear when you’re 10 or 11. But most of the other kids there were boys from rural areas with military families, so they probably figured that we already knew the realities of it.
that is fucking wild to me. like i get that it's the reality of it but straight up telling some kids "hey you're cool with bombing civilians right" LIKE???
see at that point i’d ask my dad to pick me up i’d be scared 😩
Yeah, after that, I mostly focused on survival skills. That’s how I know that wild clustered berries are some of the safest things to eat!
i hope if i ever get lost in the wilderness with someone it’s someone who knows at least this
Stinging nettle is good, too. Just blanch it with boiling water and you can make a soup out of it. I remember hearing that a lot of rural Brits lived on nettle soup during World War II.
jotting this down just in case
My fiancé got stung by some the other day while walking the dog. This sounds like a great recipe for revenge
Yep, and if you're in the midwest US, you also have Pokeweed. Has to be double boiled, but works. Also gets STUPIDLY TALL.
If you’re in a survival situation you can eat it raw, if you’re careful. You fold it up really tight and small to protect your mouth from the stings.
Every year, the kindergarten would take us picking stigning nettles that were then put on pizza, and every year 3-4 new legends started circulating about One Weird Trick to avoid being stung ( only touch center of leaf, only touch stem, avoid touching stem are among the ones I remember)
There's a stinging nettle eating competition in England. Eating it raw, unprepared.
Working class Danes ate it regularly up until my parents' generation. Their grandparents outright depended on it.
This is why Sam Thayer's book on edible wild plants is on my short list of "shit to grab in a worst case scenario".
I am generally nervous about foraging, but I absolutely pick wild raspberries and blackberries. Because the only things I could possibly confuse them for are each other or mulberries, and all of those are safe.
meanwhile i got sponsored to go to eaa air academy as a teen (which *was* focused on small and homemade aircraft) and finished ground school while i was there, but foolishly focused way more on girls than on logging flight time
i mean i get it,,,
no ragrets but had i known that at 18 people would stop letting me ride along for free i would have been more diligent lol
I was in Air Cadets and I went to a summer camp that was sort of Ground School Lite for those who might continue on to get their pilots' licenses¹, and even though Cadets was a paramilitary org for teens there was NOTHING like that. Holy shit. — ¹ Not me, my eyes were too bad
i never did a camp but my love of planes and raising a kid has been a balance of "look how amazing" & "we do not hurt or kill" that kid is beginning adult it has become an interesting turn of conversations but still we love a speedy fast plane
Being involved with the EAA through my grandfather was a great experience for the small plane piloting stuff. He had a little one seater he built (KR2) that ran off a VW bug engine and helped a friend build a two seater single prop (Glasair)
my favourite vw bug engine plane is tiira 🫡 tsemmpiä ✨
since reddit is dying i want to share my favourite post about one of my favourite guys ever. i never really posted on reddit, just read stuff, but this post is now behind a locked wall. alt text to follow in a thread since it’s too long to fit in the alt text on the image
tsemppiä* jeez i can’t spell today
I love this Finnish welder/amateur pilot so much
me too, i never want him to stop breaking the law ever
My dad was into EAA and we went to camp at the fly in a few times, but he either wasn't interested or knew it was not feasible to build a plane. Given that it could take him 10 years to build a piece of furniture he had promised to someone, likely correct.
For a while there though we were big Burt Rutan fans. I have a crew + Burt signed photo of Voyager somewhere, I think.
I would have had to ask, "So should I go home now, or does the civilian killing not start until next week?"
it's kinda fucked but i appreciate them being open about it at least rather than being like "it's SO RAD and I don't have trouble sleeping at all!"