
me: idk what to do while sick youtube: do you want to watch an hour long professionally animated deep dive into explaining what makes the lockheed sr-71 blackbird so cool me: wellllllllll shucks i reckon i could be inclined
like dude how'd they do all that shit without CAD? that's so fucking cool
me looking at any plane designed before the 90s but especially any fucked up shit lockheed made, concorde, and/or any 747 model
I swear I love the SR-71 so much and it's only made cooler because they made it in a cave with a box of scraps. I really need to get my shop open so I can post up tribute items, retvrn to the wireframe blackbird apparel. concorde would be lovely as well
I have a soft spot for it as well. My family is big into aviation, and we went to see the “Bye Bye Blackbird” exhibit when they finally completely phased it out. Planes were a big thing for us. I even went to aviation camp! But that got REALLY militaristic really fast 😬
yeaaaah doesn't surprise me it got so militaristic. this is the problem with liking planes and i think it's a big part of why i liked miyazaki's "the wind rises" so much because he aimed to explore that contradiction
Yeah, I was super young and thought it would be more like commercial and small plane piloting. But it was on a military base and we had speakers coming in saying “ask yourself if you’re going to be ok with knowing you’ve killed civilians” and I was like NOPE CAN’T DO THAT
Miyazaki is such an interesting (though certainly not singular) case of an artist who clearly just LOVES military hardware but abhors war. That man just adores drawing vehicles bristling with machine guns
I almost went to college for aerospace. But this was the late Obama years, so you can understand why I didn't.
This was 10 years ago and the SR-71 could have been a bit more visible, but I think I stood and stared at it for an hour until my family made me move on.
oh i would absolutely stare at it for an hour+ if i went there with ken. i think they'd probably go explore everything else by the time i'd be done
also you know it's funny thinking about it now, recently i saw a construction sign for SR-71 (as in california state route 71) but i, having the brain of a child, laughed to myself about it.
if i ever go to that museum i’m going to take the dumbest selfies with the 367-80 because everyone probably takes selfies w the blackbird i have to be the most esoteric bitch at the air and space museum
Now I'm trying to think of your callsign & what you'd pilot, hypothetically. I'm thinking a Chinook and your callsign could be Miracle. Alternatively, maybe the Viggen, as those are apparently a lot of fun to fly. Yeah.. ace pilot Mara "Miracle" Wilson. *shivers*
At camp my callsigns were “Mermaid” and “Chewie”. “Chewie” because of some Star Wars-related trolling my crush and I had pulled in a chat room, and “Mermaid” because… IDK, I liked to swim, maybe?
saab mentioned
Somehow I thought the Blackbird was developed much more recently than it actually was, just looked on wiki and it was the 60s 😮‍
They phased it out in the late 80s, early 90s, I believe
i wanted to go to space camp as a kid but aviation camp sounds genuinely cool, damn! hmu if you wanna talk planes for real they’re so Neat
It was great, but it was also on an Air Force Base and shit got very intensely rah-rah America. Which, even as a preteen with a family history of military service, felt a little weird to me.
my dad was very into planes and we were space nerds, but supersonics were always so rad. I wanted space camp too but my mom passed immediately followed by challenger and it was like, welp. the fact a kid robot named DARYL flew a blackbird in a movie though, it was some kind of cosmic connection
I won’t lie a big part of why I have a soft spot for the SR-71 blackbird is
the story of the sr-71 disintegrating around the test pilots flying it is the craziest story by far
I assume that what I heard was true, that because it expanded so much as it got hot, it was built to leak fuel a bunch of fuel on the ground/until it got up to speed.
They look amazing in person. I was in awe when I saw the plain titanium variant they have at the flight museum in Seattle.
There was a fun story from the Skunk Works book about building the stealth fighter. They made a smaller scale version and mouted it on a pole to test how stealthy it was. It was so stealthy that the pole was throwing off their numbers, so they had to design and build a stealth pole.
The Air Force museum in Dayton has tons and tons of X-planes that go from “kinda weird” to “what the fuck is this even supposed to be” and it’s great
They’ve had a couple different static SR-71s at Pima Air & Space Museum, among my very favorite planes also. They had a big todo when they set up a display, a panel of pilots that flew them talked about how wild it was. Excuse the quality of the photo from ~2006 taken with a slider phone potato cam.
Somehow I have no photos of _me_ on the rig or of the cockpit cause cell phone photos in 2006 reasons I guess but we got to like _look in one_, it was extremely cool. Pima Air & Space is so good, cannot recommend it enough if you’re in the burning desert anyway.