Mari Ness, writer of things

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Mari Ness, writer of things

I write things. Occasionally they get published.

Also occasionally on other sites, including,, Ko-Fi:
It depends upon how many bumps they go over. This is a genuine problem at Orlando's L'il Indies (which is accessible but very bumpy), but not at most places at Epcot, to give two wildly different examples.
The other issue I have is that my drink holder is VERY deep so, like, it's not great for small cups of espresso or shots or even, in some cases, a small smoothie. But I suspect a shorter one would cause problems with larger drinks. It does well with cans.
With this most recent chair, I got a drink holder that attaches to the armrest. At home I have a little rolling kitchen table, so I put things on that and then roll that.
You will all doubtless be relieved to know that the little bird toy with REAL BIRD NOISES has officially been neutralized and will not - indeed, cannot - bother anyone ever again.
As a non-philosopher lucky enough to share a home with two cats, I endorse this message. The two cats, however, do not. They say that the good life is a life filled with NAPS and CAT TREATS and TUNA FISH and HEAD SCRITCHES and BIRD WATCHING and LOTS OF NAPPING PLACES oh and some chicken.
As a philosopher, people ask me about "the good life." I usually tell them that I don't have a normative guide for the good life except that any version of the good life must be lived in community. Turns out that I was wrong. The good life is a life lived with cats. That's my normative guide.
a) Hope everything goes well, b) if it helps at all, the NHC says "tropical cyclone activity is not expected for the next 48 hours" so there's that.
You will be shocked, shocked, shocked to learn that this person has not, as far as I know, managed to sell a book to a publisher, large or small!
He's a VERY good cat. Major interests include napping, trying and failing to get through the glass of the fish tank, and then napping again from all that effort.
Asked for political commentary on the day, he said, quite firmly, more naps. Naps are good. Vote for naps.
.....well, so much for any claims I had of being a Marvel fan!
I don't know how all library systems work, but at my local Orange County Library (Orlando), you fill out a webform which just asks for the author, title, and how you heard about the book. They don't always buy the book, but I think it's worth asking anyway.
I honestly don't know anything about the quality. I was mostly concerned with how much space they would take up in my suitcase - as it is, I need room for two wheelchair batteries in my carry on, plus additional chargers, and I would like to take a spare set of UK tests!
It was a solid reminder of my place in/importance to certain members of the community. I'll give it that!
That too, though I'm hoping I can pick up extra tests in the UK. The ones I get at Target are pretty bulky.
Oh, no! I hope you recover VERY quickly.
Hope you have a symptom-free case and test negative very soon!
At a WFC, I got a "look at both badges, frown, ask if either one of us were editors or agents, and after a response in the negative, say, oh, you aren't important then, and leave." We figured this was a great excuse for another drink!
Me three, though, honestly, I'm mostly concerned about the airports. I am planning on bringing lots of masks.
Once again the day has at least been partially saved by the existence of boba tea and the local boba tea shop.
This is the sort of television criticism we need!
This is going to sound super weird and reveal my Victorian childhood, but in House of The Dragon this week Ser Christan cleans his sword with half a lemon and salt, and as someone who had to clean a brass fire grate that way every day as a child, he’s doing it incredibly ineffectually
In all seriousness: the very idea that someone can take highly classified documents, store them in a public place, defy any number of requests, subpoenas, etc., and then face NO CONSEQUENCES AT ALL is genuinely shocking, and should terrify anyone who cares about national security.
I'm still hoping for the film/TV version of THE STRANGE CASE OF THE ALCHEMIST'S DAUGHTER and its sequels, by Theodora Goss. Someday! Someday!
What book series would you like to see adapted to the big screen?
The Charles Vess version is simply beautiful. I kinda regret not buying two copies - one for reading and one for displaying.
John ALWAYS but ALWAYS has the best T-shirts.
It's another Friday, and thus, another round of fireworks from the neighbors!