
starting to wonder if congestion pricing was paused because the NYPD cops who commute from long island threatened a revolt and eric adams was like kathy, we can't have that
I'm still marveling at the political calculation from Albany Democrats that we shouldn't toll the small number of suburban drivers into the city so, to make up the $1 billion a year in funding that would have taken in, we'll tax everyone who works in Manhattan. [chef's kiss emoji]
This American Life did a story on someone who goes around Manhattan removing devices that block license plate readers (which would prevent them from being charged for congestion pricing) and most of the offenders were police or city workers. That's why they're mad.
oh funny, i had this episode queued up but never listened!
Oh! Cops breaking the law. Who would have guessed!
He's posted tons of videos of himself doing this over on the Bad Place:
Oh nice, thank you - I'm very interested in this ... as a .... general concept.........
no LEO should be hired who does not actually live in the municipality they work for.
What? The LIRR is beneath the NYPD?
Can't abuse a placard on the LIRR.
Why would you take the LIRR if you can drive in from Massapequa, ignoring all traffic laws en route, and then park where ever the hell you want?
D'Esposito is the Republican in Congress who is former NYPD.
D’Esposito in NY4 introduced a Congressional resolution condemning congestion pricing, an example of how suburban GOPs have been painting congestion pricing as an additional tax on families struggling with inflation. 1/
good flag! will add to a piece i'm working on. he's the worst.
Idk if you read the thread? Jeff's whole theory is Hochul did it because Dems in Congress on L.I. and Hudson Valley are vulnerable on this. And, she was trying to shore them up. Because it's a big deal for the party nationally too. The Jim Crow L.I. people. It makes sense they're a factor.
these people will never, not ever, vote for kathy hochul. she could give them each a million dollars.
it isn't that they will vote for her. the idea is, by taking this position, she takes a weapon out of the arsenal of this cop-CongressDude. Thereby making his campaign of attacks on Democrats far less effective. Because a single seat in Congress could actually matters hugely now. Nationally.
forgive me if I don’t trust Kathy “Jay Jacobs is doing a great job, let’s keep him” Hochul on the question of what gets Dems elected to Congress
girl if they gave two shits about congressional districts they HAD A CHANCE TO FIX THEM THIS PAST YEAR AND THEY DIDNT. i think she’s full of shit because no republican is going to vote for her no matter what she does!
NYC unions are generally opposed. I am in favor of congestion pricing although I prefer more comprehensive carbon reduction policies. I think that the noticing the tension between the reality of organized labor as opposed to what progressive policy advocates assume it should want is important.
(That said, I really doubt Hochul cares all that much about unions.)
yea, def not part of her calculus
Dunno…. They get quite a bit of votes and money from UFT and DC37. And UFT came out against it, too…. Bc Mulgrew and his caucus are center-right shits.
so much of this just throws into relief the absurdity that NYC has so little influence over the MTA. only 4 of 23 MTA board members are NYC 'recommendations'. the gov controls the majority. Hochul's idea to supplement the MTA with NYC income taxes is unjust.
also union *leadership* has been more against it than union *rank and file* a lot?
$15B for public transit capital projects seems good for unions, actually. I believe many are involved in the building trades
yet they all seem to oppose it
I think their members like driving to work. For which workers in the CBD is daily personal car travel currently the cheaper option than mass transit if they live within the service area?
Right. And if they were to strike, they'd be subject to Taylor law like every other public union. They won't, they'll just be negligent assholes. No argument - they are unique in this way. But the economic factors involved affect members of every other union.
Everyone should search Google Maps for "nypd precinct" and post screenshots of the streetview of cops turning sidewalks into parking lots. Here's 8 (and link to full res)
The blatant admission that the officers of the NYPD do not live in the communities they serve. (also they refuse to use public transit, so NYPD precincts have had to turn sidewalks into parking lots.
I definitely have thought the commuting cops were a big part of the squeeze she caved to.
Occasionally it's good to observe that in the early 2000s the Republic of Georgia fired its entire highway police force because of corruption and a culture of impunity, and replaced them with a much smaller, more effective, more accountable force.
You mean they can’t manage to navigate the LIRR like everyone else? P*ssies
Yes plus the wall Street Bros driving in from NJ and LI
🎯you f’in nailed it
Oh, this is an interesting theory!!
Ha! I, too, wondered that.
Yeah, this is a pretty good theory.
cops. maybe. but below 60th street. wall street? what percentage of wall street drives in? who funds politicians in nyc?
If they had just called it the “Put Trump in Jail Tax” they could have funded billions.
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