Abby Koch

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Abby Koch

Epidemiologist, knitter, kitty mama, armchair sled dog enthusiast #uglydogs
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i know nothing about whoever put their litter-covered paw in your coffee. i have no idea who is behind it. i disagree with some of the things they're doing & some of the things they're doing are absolutely ridiculous & abysmal. anything they do, i wish them luck, but i have nothing to do with them.
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Oh don't worry, all that Nazi stuff is just talk. He'll never carry out those wacky policies. [, 1933]
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Let's get this party started.
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The thing I can't stop thinking about is this: I'm 48, and in my adult lifetime there has been one Republican who won the popular vote. But I will probably spend the rest of my life under the authority of a Supreme Court dominated by hard right conservatives. How is that democracy?
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I don't want some egghead bureaucrat telling me whether there's poison in the water I drink. Ideally I'd want that decided by a 29yo judge who went to a "biblical law school" and does not believe dinosaurs existed, and then to have that decision reaffirmed six years later by the Supreme Court.
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Well here it is, my latest embroidery is finally finished. I’m off to rest my hands and have a long needed stretch! 😉 Let your imaginations run wild…🧵🪡🌿🌺🪻 *completely original & freehand stitched, no patterns or paint just threads. #stitchedart #thesewingsongbird
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When your corgi is buffering
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Reposted byAvatar Abby Koch
once again noting that if you want to do a disruptive, attention-getting climate protest, a thing you could do is shut down a prominent pro golf tournament instead of attacking priceless artistic or cultural artifacts
Environmental protesters have sprayed Britain’s most famous prehistoric structure, Stonehenge, with orange paint a day before huge crowds are expected to gather there for the summer solstice. Tap to read more:
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Yeah, no. All this does is, as you say, "forces people to face the issue," but the ISSUE BEING FACED IS THE PROTEST, not the cause of addressing climate. Splashing soup onto a famous painting makes the story about the shitheads doing the soup-tossing, not climate change.
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*trying to draw people to my cause by making them disgusted with me* "why isnt this working, they are paying attention but im getting no support"
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This cartoon has not been improved upon. August 29, 2016
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Reposted byAvatar Abby Koch
what wee need is an anti Dunning Kruger type rule that tells us about how the better they get at something, the harder it gets for ppl to remember how batshit it is to be this good at something and no most people can't "just hit the ball a little to the left"
Reddit is a great place for non-enshittified info, but it's full of subject matter experts who purposefully overestimate the abilities of the average person. "Why pay $15k for HVAC installation? All you have to do is drill holes, run drain lines, +rewire your electrical panel. My 9 yo could do it."
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It’s nice to see so much support for felons! Looking forward to the movement to give them universal voting rights and eliminate the discrimination against them in employment and housing!
Reposted byAvatar Abby Koch
Trump and his supporters are not angry that the Manhattan trial was “rigged.” They’re angry that it wasn’t.
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I'm going to post some front pages now
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Here’s a joke my grandpa told me: Pavlov walks into a bar. The phone rings. He says, “Ooh, I forgot to feed the dogs!” and runs out.
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No other nation has ever prosecuted a former leader, except for about half of them, so you can see why this is so outrageous.
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Today's inspirational message:
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columbia university achieving the daring dream of a no-student no-faculty all administration university
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*David Attenborough voice* and now we see the newly-minted Heterodox Thinker emerge from its cocoon to begin the journey to the right wing grift-o-sphere
Anyone else getting unexpected snail mail like this?
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Hey may I ask a birthday favor? Today Chalupa (that my friend found in the TacoBell drive thru in TX) is available for adoption after her stray hold has ended. Will you post her link for me? All I want for my birthday is a home for her.
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celebrate international women’s day by disclosing your salary to a female coworker
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It's been clear for 25 years, but today really underscored that the only consistent principle among the court's conservative judges is the desire for conservative outcomes. Federalism, originalism, textualism -- they're all just a means to an end, readily abandoned when inconvenient.
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Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.
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Briefly forgot the word “ultra” and asked the Walgreens staff where they kept the turbo-strength tampons