Mark Panning

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Mark Panning

Planetary seismologist in Pasadena. Project Scientist for InSight (sigh) and PI for Farside Seismic Suite. Somewhat nerdy. Opinions are, of course, my own. he/him
I've had multiple tabbies, and every one has the M. It's usually listed as a definitive characteristic of a tabby. Albert below has an M, and is crossing his front paws, and almost certainly has no Maine Coon (although who knows for sure when you get a shelter cat?).
Or they really like Mexican bread, which now owns a huge number of US bread brands as well...
Bimbo Bakeries USA -
Reposted byAvatar Mark Panning
I hate having to use my badge to log into my computer. I inevitably have to reinsert the card multiple times, unplug the badge reader, and/or switch to a different reader some combination of 3 or so times before I can actually log in.
Maybe 2 minutes of my time each time, but that’s a full day of work added up over a year. Far less than I waste posting on here (which is also far less than the average person suffering from posters madness on here), but still…
This is what everyone talking about their dream replacement is missing. There's no way to coalesce around an alternative, and a lot of people would be rightly upset if the designated successor who is non-white/non-male is passed over by the elites for someone who is white and/or male.
Sure, an open nomination contest could select anyone, but the primaries are done now, and any replacement is, by definition, in the hands of party elites/leadership. Skipping over Kamala in that situation is asking for key elements of the base to stay home.
That’s a beautiful bit of reasoning. Totally disown them and want nothing to do with them. Oh, but they’re still on the ballot with the party listed and you should totally vote for them.
Fair enough. Maybe it ends up being only a blip, but I was feeling optimistic that he would be more like SOTU and get Trump talking about sharks and come out better off (which would once again still only change a minuscule amount of minds, but at least be less depressing).
I would imagine most people watching a presidential debate in June will mostly have their mind made up. I’m more worried about clips of it influencing undecided/uninformed/unengaged voters in the days to come. This may not be catastrophic to outcome, but it was objectively awful.
And that’s particularly bad in an election that’s basically a coin flip at this point. It’s too bad that Trump can lie like breathing and get no pushback from moderators and walk out with so much better optics. This really couldn’t have gone better for him.
New papers about impact rates from InSight data. One led by Ingrid Daubar looks at those measured by InSight and confirmed by orbital observations, while the other led by Geraldine Zenhäusern and Natalia Wojcicka interprets an entire class of seismic events as impacts.
Analysis of NASA InSight data suggests Mars hit by meteoroids more often than A new study led by a Brown researcher reveals the frequency of space rocks pummeling Mars is higher than previously estimated and detects two of the largest impacts ever seen by scientists on the Red ...
As usual, forgot the emojis 🛰️🧪⚒️
Every mission has a project scientist whose job involves a significant amount of this…
When the AI is indistinguishable from stoners in a dorm room…
Does the Bruen standard only apply to 2nd amendment cases? Or can we just no longer pass any laws without the express written consent of Thomas Jefferson and Major League Baseball?
This is just a friendly reminder that I hate the phrase "this is just a friendly reminder".
None of them appropriately used the sarcasm font.
And the cat came back, the very next day.
Sure, but they’re also banning gender affirming care, right? Checkmate!
Even if you take the argument at face value that AMAB individuals have an advantage based on population averages, it makes no sense. Do we ban tall people from basketball to protect short people?
Even worse, would we ban all Dutch people from basketball because they have a population average of greater height, even if a specific individual may not be tall?
Everyone does indeed use it at JPL, and it does make scheduling meetings easier. Perhaps too easy? But the search is so strangely bad. I feel like they must have intentionally coded in some function to arbitrarily skip a certain fraction of search hits.
I actually forgot about it, and then my daughter noticed it out the window, so I just saw the tail end.
SpaceX launch remnants. 🛰️
Every few months I see some green lines and totally forget what they mean and have to google it again.
So exciting. Every couple months, the JPL science leads for non-Mars missions have a meeting to talk about what’s going on, and hearing Linda Spilker describe this process was just so amazing. This is a tiny team with software older than me, and they just found a way. So awesome!