
An hour in, does ANYONE out there think we’re not completely fucked? If so, please tell me why—I need to hear.
We are. What I want to know is, what does *Jill* think? And what will she tell him?
I was so hoping that Biden would be happy with one term and then he'd step aside to let the next generation of democrats through. This is killing me.
The fear, not wrong, was that incumbents have a built-in edge that equals whatever advantage some young new candidate would have. And who?
I remember thinking that Biden's goal for his one-term would be to prime the pump to get Kamala elected president.
I like her, but she was never set up to rise. Despite her qualifications, Harris couldn’t win a game of pickleball against Stevie Wonder at this point.
you like copmala? only qualified to send prisoners to battle wildfires for pennies a day and arrest mothers. she’s keeping the rfk assassination sealed about the only reason i can think of.
I don't LIKE her, but she's the only candidate that makes sense at this point in the election. Anybody else, and there'd likely have to be a whole new set of primaries before the convention. With Kamala they can at least say she was already on the ticket with the most delegates.
Plus Republicans working in conjunction with the MSM managed to kill a potential Harris candidacy before she had spent her first month as VP. It was kinda impressive.
Trump keeps doing that this where whenever there’s a question he doesn’t want to answer he pivots to baseless attack and lies. And it works every single time. Nobody, not Biden nor the moderators, calls him on it. If it was a drinking game to take a shot every time this happened, it would be fatal.
It kills me that we all thought this format would be to Biden’s advantage, and instead Trump’s come across better than he has in 8 years.
Whether he was juiced up or whatever, you can’t say he wasn’t on his game. Television is his arena.
I can’t say that, but I do think as Democrats we’re prone to panicking. The election isn’t tomorrow, thank god, and there’s time to fix things and also for Trump to fuck up.
What kind of fuck up do you think would actually affect trump? That asshat has fucked up worse than anyone in history and is still in the running.
I don’t know. “Fuck up” is pretty broad, it just has to be bad enough to spook undecideds and scare Democratic voters enough that they turn out en masse. All I know is Trump’s base is smaller than the Democratic base.
I think Biden started off rough but has improved a lot, and has ended up with several good sound bytes.
Which are, of course, *not* what the press is leading with this morning. 😒
Yeah, that’s stuff Biden is gonna have to put in ads.
Presidential debates literally do not matter at all. Kennedy/Nixon is probably the last time they had an impact, and even that has likely been exaggerated
Not saying Biden couldn't still lose, but it won't be because of this
It’s June. The conventions haven’t even happened yet. This debate is going to be a footnote two months from now, let alone four and a bit. Not to say we might not be fucked at the end, but I don’t think this debate will have much weight on the ultimate outcome.
Even if Biden visibly pooped his pants on stage and fell asleep at the podium, I'm still voting for him instead of a face-eating leopard.
My apologies, Mx. Lectern.
Best case scenario is that the debate has no impact on voters, Biden ekes out an Electoral College win, and delegates administration to competent wonks.
I wish that I could. But this is a rout. No fact checking from CNN, a torrent of confident lies that are going to hit the mark. And Biden seems addled and lost, with moments of focus but not enough.
Trumps torrent of lies are so obvious they made it an even playing field.
I wish I could believe that. But as we’ve seen the past eight years, an awful lot of people choose to believe them, and even back them
Trump consistently underperformed the primary polls. Nikki Haley's sizable number of supporters are not going to Trump. Trump's rallies are drawing fewer & fewer attendees & there were no massive crowds of enraged supporters showing up at his trial.
One bad debate doesn't ruin the whole thing.
I didn't want to trust my own impressions because I only volunteered in a nursing home for the elderly for a short time as a young person, but a lot of people who do it for a living have weighed in now, and I don't think this was just one bad debate. This isn't something that gets better.
This is also bullshit, because he attended viewing parties afterwards and was fine. Not sundowning. JFC.
Do you have a link? It seems unlikely the medicine would have worn off so fast but okay.
What on earth are you talking about? What medicine? Are you referring to trump? Biden had a bad night, but it's not from dementia ffs.
Trump was completely divorced from reality and that should still matter to anyone who wasn't already locked in for him. Biden sounded genuinely ill, but flu, not the kind where his brain is mush.
Well the plus side is never before in human history have such a large percentage of the population been so aware of just how terrible everything is for everybody. That's gotta lead to something positive, right?
Same script as 2020. First debate is a trainwreck, then things improve. Hopefully debate #2 cements the pattern into place. Even so, the debates feel more like bad theater than anything effective. How many Undecideds can there be?
The rogue Court is a huge problem. Biden mucking up a debate is nbd.
Look who's in the felon's shadow and Biden's. Who do you prefer: Stephen Miller, Bannon, the christofascists, Putin, or Kamela Harris, Buttigeig, the Dems in the House and Senate, etc...
No, this is not an accurate portrayal of either candidate. Both were highly constrained, and filled with intense emotion. Biden is a solid guy. Did you see him afterwards speaking?
No, but in my defense, neither did anyone else but you.
Yeah, I know. Why does Trump think that being a nasty brute rather than a civilized human being is better?
No, we’re not completely fucked. It was a bad night. There’s a long way to go. Let’s breathe, and get to work.