Mars Rover

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Mars Rover

Not at ALL affiliated with NASA except for the schwag I took working there. Space, science, tech, video games, angry outbursts. Remember where I parked.
Moving your highly-technical aerospace company ops to a low-cost-of-living company town where none of the local peasantry can afford to tell you "No" sure worked out great for Boeing.
NEW: Elon Musk says he's moving SpaceX headquarters from California to Texas
Maybe the chars are just playing coy because if muscle mommy hugs you you literally get BBQed?
I've paid $200 cash to get the Novavax vaccine TWICE because the only other Rx chain nearby doesn't carry it & UHG and CVS are slap fighting over who can grind our bones to bread dust harder.
I mean, economists ARE wrong, but not at this time in this instance about this particular thing.
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Apollo 11 launched #OTD in 1969, carrying Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, and Buzz Aldrin to the Moon. It was one of the most remarkable scientific collaborations in history, taking humans from Earth to the surface of another world, then returning them safely home. Images: NASA 🧪
Man have I fallen down this guy's rabbit hole, hard. Guy makes good videos about dead malls with history, context, old photos, cool music, and lots of empty liminal space the kids all love these days. Right, right? May be valuable history we don't even realize being made before our eyes.
Dead Malls Season 6 Episode 1 - Greenspoint Some touted it to be Houston’s second downtown.. Many said the mall was the future of shopping.. That mall was Greenspoint Mall, now more famously known as G...
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
I heard the lawyer market was saturated but what about certified vibe consultants?
Like a baby got hold of a cursed monkey's paw and used it to make a Wes Craven version of "Big".
Once you know the taste the hunger never stops.
If I were a deep cover operative by the end of today I absolutely would not be.
From the Samuel Alito "Whatever the Fuck I Want" school of law I see.
And when my dog shits on the floor he's nowhere to be found either.
The Secret Service missing this post assassination attempt press conference, and the FBI going ahead with it without them, is one of the most striking instances of federal law endorcement dysfunction since that time no law enforcement agency held a press conference after Jan 6 for like two weeks.
Nah he just got done fuckin' a cop's wife.
No you see, I, as the protagonist of reality, will shift the earth upon its axis should I ever be allowed to encounter a hardship as part of my epic story of existence, whereupon you plebs, overwhelmed by my awesomeness and plight, shall immediately devise a perfect cure/solution for me. Also hbd.
Bullshit and they know it. You can catch "disturbing the peace" for having resting bitch face or any other excuse. There are a dozen other "free pass" offenses cops can use to haul you off to the station. Might not end up with a record, but you're gone, if they want.
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
Even if you choose to be in denial about the large continuing burden of COVID deaths and Long COVID, allowing the majority of the population get sick with COVID twice a year has a hugely detrimental impact on society. We need long-term and sustainable COVID protections.
Yeah nope. I had cancer & visible after-effects & that definitely describes my days & I just stayed home and played with computers. Plenty of otherwise normal dudes I knew would have a bad day/week and scare the loving shit out of me they were gonna kill us all over it. Hardship is conditioning.
Used to work in downtown Seattle across from where the POTUS stayed on visits. I would tell coworkers to stay away from the windows. I stowed all our Nerf guns. I thought the USSS was on that shit & didn't want anyone to get hurt. Apparently it's just vibes, baby.
OK but I still do this when I just want a quick snack but don't wanna bother washing my hands. No germs on the sides of fingers, right folks?
"Now witness the power of this fully operational Department of Justice!" - Merrick "I'm too sleepy to prosecute Jan 6th" Garland
Full-on Zero Mostel eyes at the second image.
I mean have you TRIED the honey-roasted pecans? Definitely worth climbing into the back of a dusty Toyota for
What if it was Mickey "Lefty Mangler" Malatesta using a mirror to frame Tony?
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
NASA officials on Friday marked two full years of scientific results from the James Webb Space Telescope with the release of an image, which actually shows a pair of intertwined galaxies, known as Arp 142, and nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
Webb space telescope keeps delivering cosmic The latest image shows a pair of intertwined galaxies, known as Arp 142, and nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg.
Reposted byAvatar Mars Rover
this is by far the craziest longshot candidate replacement idea I’ve heard, but if the technology’s there I’ll hear them out