Marxist Theories & Lore

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Marxist Theories & Lore

He/They, Comedy political education, etc etc etc
Kirk is the only character in canon who is probably not trans, purely because we are his birth, almost any other character is fair game
(Is the captain of the Titanic) Everything is gonna go back to normal, were gonna move past this crash into an ice burg. *Ship splits in half* Okay I guess we gotta patch the whole somewhat
Breaking news: President Biden is finalizing plans to endorse major changes to the Supreme Court in the coming weeks, including proposals for legislation to establish term limits for the justices and an enforceable ethics code, according to two people briefed on the plans.
Biden set to announce support for major Supreme Court The president has discussed the plans with constitutional scholars and members of Congress in recent weeks.
I can add another reason to hate Jack Black, this is no change for me
Jack Black just loves piles of dead children
Fucked up that they're announcing the Doctor Who/Strange New Worlds crossover at CPAC
You will always be surprised by the fights you can win, the important thing is to not surrender until there is no other option
Ugh I can't believe Trump picked the guy who invented the shitty magic system for D&D as his new veep
I mean having seen politics in my adult life I have 0 faith in American institutions and you're a grade a sucker if you have any at all
One thing both Trump and Biden agree on is that it's great how their guys keep attacking me, and that this is not political violence
“there is no place for political violence” says world’s leading authority on enacting political violence
in 2013 I saw a man get a 100,000 hour probation on the SomethingAwful forums and today I saw him come off probation and immediately pick up the same argument, quoting a reply from 2013, absolute next-level hater, I can't even imagine, my man is the Count of Monte Posters
Some doofus an heroing by cop at a Trump rally is the same as the violence protesters did straining police tendons and bruising fists getting the shit kicked out of them
“The Biden campaign will draw on the president's history of condemning all sorts of political violence including his sharp criticism of the "disorder" created by campus protests over the Israel-Gaza conflict, campaign officials said on condition of anonymity.” Hahahahaha, go fuck yourselves.
Biden, Democrats scramble after Trump rally shooting upends U.S. President Joe Biden's reelection campaign is scrambling for a new strategy after an assassination attempt on Republican rival Donald Trump in western Pennsylvania, including deciding to call off verbal attacks on the former president for now.
Look if the 4 chan saints are gonna move on from school shootings I'm not gonna complain
Just before World War 3 and the post atomic horror
Thomas Matthew Crooks was involved in a gunfire related incident. Two died with no causes
It turns out making a pillar of your political power random uncontrollable violence means sometimes the violence you caused hits you, who knew?
Where were all these "there's no place for political violence in America" weenies all the times I've been attacked by literal Nazis
Yeah Biden is gonna make Trump Chancellor
Because it's a portrayal of a positive future
The fun part of Twitter was always annoying those people
The panicked terrified fundraising texts I'm getting are now like uwu would you accept Kamala sempai?? Thank you Bernie for selling my dox to these idiots
I've got an idea, make all the hopefuls do an actual play of the OG Tomb of Horrors and the survivor gets the nomination. You can make Oprah the DM or whatever
i don’t know if these people are such infants that they think this would be cool and so would voters, or if they’re so condescending that they think voters are such infants that they think it would be cool
The combination of cope and oh no what have we done from the Bidenailures is delicious indeed
You rolled his corpse into the bed. We've been warning you for years but your fealty to power, no different than the Trumpies. Now he's bursting open and the rotten fluid inside him is destroying the mattress, sheets and comofrter. You got what you wanted. Enjoy it
If only he was born 20 years later they would have invented not being a pedophile